Die Chinesische Tarnrüstung, auch bekannt als Hēi Guǐ (黑鬼) Tarnrüstung (lit. Black Ghost Tarnrüstung), war eines von Chinas besten militärischen Mittel während des Chinesisch-Amerikanischen Krieges. When equipped, it afforded the soldier a decent amount of protection (but not as much as America's combat armor), while also coating the user in an active camouflage system. The American Army tried to copy this technology in the unstable Stealth Boy units. The scientist from the Big MT tried to copy the results in their stealth suit Mk II.
Die Chinesische Tarnrüstung, auch bekannt als Hēi Guǐ (黑鬼) Tarnrüstung (lit. Black Ghost Tarnrüstung), war eines von Chinas besten militärischen Mittel während des Chinesisch-Amerikanischen Krieges. When equipped, it afforded the soldier a decent amount of protection (but not as much as America's combat armor), while also coating the user in an active camouflage system. The American Army tried to copy this technology in the unstable Stealth Boy units. The scientist from the Big MT tried to copy the results in their stealth suit Mk II.