| - Aardwolf was created back in the latter half of 1996 from the efforts of a dedicated Imm staff. Designed to be everything that a MUD could be, the current Imm team continues to work hard to bring as many improvements to Aardwolf as possible. Aardwolf is primarily designed to be a very friendly MUD, one with the enjoyment of its players uppermost in the Imms' minds. To this end, you can help by finding out what the rules are and adhering to them, as everyone here is expected to treat everyone else with at least some level of decorum. If you have never MUD'ed before, there are people here that have specifically been chosen for their ability to help new players. Known as Helpers and Advisors, these people have chosen to assist new players in getting involved with the world. There is a channel
- The sign was originally part of a contest. The first person to find the sign and do as the message said would receive a prize. From the Apogee FAQ: The sign was to be the goal in a contest Apogee was going to have, but almost immediately after the game's release, a large amount of cheat and mapping programs were released. With these programs running around, we felt that it would have been unfair to have the contest and award a prize. The sign was still left in the game, but in hindsight, probably should have been taken out. To this day, Apogee gets letters and phone calls and asking what Aardwolf is, frequently with the question, "Has anyone seen this yet?"
| - Aardwolf was created back in the latter half of 1996 from the efforts of a dedicated Imm staff. Designed to be everything that a MUD could be, the current Imm team continues to work hard to bring as many improvements to Aardwolf as possible. Aardwolf is primarily designed to be a very friendly MUD, one with the enjoyment of its players uppermost in the Imms' minds. To this end, you can help by finding out what the rules are and adhering to them, as everyone here is expected to treat everyone else with at least some level of decorum. If you have never MUD'ed before, there are people here that have specifically been chosen for their ability to help new players. Known as Helpers and Advisors, these people have chosen to assist new players in getting involved with the world. There is a channel called Newbie that will allow you to pose questions to all the Helpers currently logged into the game. In addition, you may find the help file "help newhelp" of some assistance. Aardwolf is a restricted Player Kill (PK) MUD, and 99% of PK'ing on Aardwolf is harmless, with no permanent death penalties. There are help files for almost all of the skills and spells in the game. Information can be obtained by typing help by itself, or help subject. Also, the index command may prove helpful if you know the first few letters of a subject you'd like to read the help file for, but not the full name. Again, never be afraid to ask. There is, however, no help available regarding the elusive M I N D G A T E - for this you must discover on your own. Although the world of Aardwolf can be bewildering at first, it is worth the effort. The Immortals and players here are very proud of this MUD. If you hang around, you'll see why. We would love for you to connect to the world of Aardwolf. You can also keep up with us on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Lastly, to see some of the updates and changes that have been made, try help history. We sincerely hope that you enjoy the time that you spend at Aardwolf, and help to make it a place where others can do the same. To connect or to learn more, we can be reached at www.aardwolf.com
- The sign was originally part of a contest. The first person to find the sign and do as the message said would receive a prize. From the Apogee FAQ: The sign was to be the goal in a contest Apogee was going to have, but almost immediately after the game's release, a large amount of cheat and mapping programs were released. With these programs running around, we felt that it would have been unfair to have the contest and award a prize. The sign was still left in the game, but in hindsight, probably should have been taken out. To this day, Apogee gets letters and phone calls and asking what Aardwolf is, frequently with the question, "Has anyone seen this yet?" Subsequent releases of the game including the Steam release have had the sprite file changed to an unrelated image. The word "Aardwolf" was presumably chosen for obscurity: an aardwolf is a small African mammal.