| - "I am the Master!" screamed the cybernetic humanoid as he lurched bizarrely out of control around Unimatrix Number Nine. "We are the Cyber-Borg!" came the reply, "And you have been imperfectly assimilated. We will try again." "But I can help you! If only you allow me to keep my individuality and LISTEN TO ME! I AM THE MASTER!" "You are weak and will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Individuality is irrelevant." The voice had an air of finality; Of the grave. Still the master struggled. Nearby, his daughter Susan waited for a chance to (escape?) or (help her father?) she was too frightened to know what she would do when the chance came.... Forty-five hours earlier The Master (as he preferred to be known) arrived in his TARDIS and stepped out onto the purple soil of Kaleidoscope the fourth planet in the Ontren system. The world had been named Kaleidoscope by its settlers, show people, entertainers and surrealist artists, who had built a society here of infinite diversity and strangeness. Until the Cyber-Borg, the unholy alliance of Cybermen and Borg, had assimilated them. The Master, one quarter human and three-quarters Timelord, had arrived here with his daughter Susan just in time for the assimilation.