| - A lover of plants and lesser beasts - particularly birds - he cared little for politics or societal norms and was considered rather odd by his fellow Wizards. Radagast's name was derived from the language of the Woodmen, his original name was Aiwendil (Q. "Friend of Birds").
- Radagast Bury, pierwotnie Aiwendil – Majar, jeden z pięciu Istarich, którzy przybyli do Śródziemia na początku Trzeciej Ery, by wspomagać Wolne Ludy w walce z Sauronem.
- Radagast der Braune war einer der fünf Istari, die, um 1000 D.Z., nach Mittelerde kamen, um den Elben und Menschen zu helfen. Sein Interesse galt vorwiegend den Tieren und der Wildnis von Mittelerde, alles andere ging mehr oder weniger an ihm vorbei. Saruman, der Radagast nicht sonderlich schätzte, er war ihm regelrecht zuwider, hat ihn für seine Zwecke missbraucht um Gandalf nach Isengart zu locken, denn von seinen bösen Plänen wusste Radagast nichts. Für Saruman sendete er die Vögel als Späher aus. Radagast selbst war von alldem ahnungslos. Seine frühere Wohnstatt war Rhosgobel, woher er seine Kaninchen aus der Hobbit Trilogie hat.
- Radagast (Adûnaic; IPA: ['radagast] - "Tender Of Beasts") the Brown, also called Aiwendil (Quenya; IPA: [ai'wendil] - "Bird-Friend") was one of the five Wizards, or Istari. He was a good friend of Gandalf the Grey, whom he aided occasionally. Radagast was mainly concerned with the well-being of the plant and animal worlds, and thus did not participate heavily in the War of the Ring.
- Radagast il Bruno o più semplicemente Radagast fu uno dei cinque stregoni o Istari, mandati dai Valar nella Terra di Mezzo per contrastare il crescente potere di Sauron. Entrò a far parte del Bianco Consiglio e stabilì la propria dimora nei boschi di Rhosgobel; egli provò una particolare affinità con il mondo animale e vegetale e finì per dimenticarsi della propria missione, estraniandosi dal mondo. Non partecipò pienamente alla Guerra dell'Anello e anzi scomparve durante essa e di lui non si ebbero più notizie.
- Radagast the Brown, known in Aman as Aiwendil, was a Maiar and member of the Heren Istarion (Order of Wizards). He was known for his lore in hers and animals, and was renowned as a master of shapes and changes of colours. At the urging of Yavanna, Saruman the White took him as a companion to Middle-earth, where he dwelt for some time in Rhosgobel, on the eastern eaves of Greenwood the Great. There, he befriended the skin-changer Beorn, who visited him often and described him as "not as bad as wizards go".
- Radagast the Brown is one of the five Istari, or 'wizards', in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium. In Quenya, he is called Aiwendil, meaning 'bird-friend'. Radagast has a small but critical role in the events of The Lord of the Rings. He is mentioned in The Hobbit, but does not get involved. Strangely, in Peter Jackson's movie adaptations, Radagast is completely ignored for LotR, but he has a prominent part for The Hobbit, where he is played by Sylvester McCoy. This portrayal inspired the PPC expression 'Radagast on a Bunny Sled!'
- Radagast is one of the Istari and a good friend of Gandalf the Grey. He is a summonable hero for the Lothlorien faction. Once you gain 7 power points you can summon him in 1 of 3 forms - on foot, on eagle, or on sleigh.
- Radagast is een personage uit in de ban van de ring van J.R.R. Tolkien. Hij wordt ook wel Aiwendil genoemd. Dit is elfs voor vogelvriend of vogelliefhebber. Radagast is een Maiar, één van de Istari (andere Istari zijn bijvoorbeeld Gandalf en Saruman). Radagast werd de Bruine (Engels: the Brown) genoemd. De Istari werden gezonden om tegenwicht te bieden aan Sauron. Zij hadden elk hun eigen rang en hun eigen kwaliteiten. De bijzonderste kwaliteiten van Radagast waren vooral zijn begrip en kennis van de levende natuur, hij kon communiceren met vele soorten vogels.
- Radagast was a citizen active since Dragonhollow's Fifth Era. He was the younger brother of old veteran FlyingPokemon. He arrived in Blackbourne via airship on 5E:81. As a member of the Dragon Riders, he chose to become a resident of Rider's Rest and built a low-laying flat hidden amongst the sugarcane with a fishing dock out back. During his time there he enjoyed visiting neighbors while riding his filly Bessie and encouraged folks to address him as Radagast the Rabbit Lord. He donated materials to the Refuge. Radagast finished 10th in the Third Pandora Survivor competition.
- Radagast is een personage uit in de ban van de ring van J.R.R. Tolkien. Hij wordt ook wel Aiwendil genoemd. Dit is elfs voor vogelvriend of vogelliefhebber. Radagast is een Maiar, één van de Istari (andere Istari zijn bijvoorbeeld Gandalf en Saruman). Radagast werd de Bruine (Engels: the Brown) genoemd. De Istari werden gezonden om tegenwicht te bieden aan Sauron. Zij hadden elk hun eigen rang en hun eigen kwaliteiten. De bijzonderste kwaliteiten van Radagast waren vooral zijn begrip en kennis van de levende natuur, hij kon communiceren met vele soorten vogels. Categorie:Istari
- Radagast is described as a nature-lover who's mainly concerned with the well-being of the olvar and kelvar (flora and fauna) of Middle-Earth, and thus he doesn't participate heavily in the War of the Ring. This is probably due to him being a servant of the goddess of olvar and kelvar. It's implied that he's specifically tasked to protect the fauna and flora even after Sauron's defeat. He lives in seclusion in Rhosgobel of Mirkwood.