| - Warning: If Evennia is killed, your party will lose and be sent back to the Henge of Denravi. Note: Evennia can, however, be safely ignored for the entire quest if she isn't talked to. See Alternative Approaches, below. Just go outside of the Henge of Denravi to meet Evennia. After a small skirmish with Titans you will see a herd of jungle creatures fleeing your way... ignore them. Follow Evennia to a crossroads of three pathways. Titans will come from all 3 directions to attack. Mostly there will be Wind Born Titans, Earth Born Titans, and Water Born Titans, but sometimes more advanced Titans will appear. There will be several waves and the final wave will have a boss. Defeating this quest relies on ignoring the Wild Growths. Kill the smaller Born Titans first, and if a huge Rotting Titan appears take it down too. But if a Growth appears or spawns from the Rotting Titan, just ignore it. When you are sure no more groups are coming, take out one Growth and then its spawns before taking out another one. Growths are poison rangers. Their damage and health degeneration can be countered easily by a pair of solid monks.