Elmo's Christmas Countdown is an hour-length Christmas special based on the children's television show Sesame Street. It premiered on Sunday, December 23, 2007, at 7:00 pm, on ABC. The special was filmed in July 2007 with the working title of Elmo's Christmas Spectacular. The special was later re-edited as Sesame Street Episode 4427, broadcast on PBS on November 27, 2013. This version of the special was edited to remove the commercial fade-outs and a few lines of dialogue, and also included a shortened version of Elmo's World: Happy Holidays! as the episode's Elmo's World segment.
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| - Elmo's Christmas Countdown is an hour-length Christmas special based on the children's television show Sesame Street. It premiered on Sunday, December 23, 2007, at 7:00 pm, on ABC. The special was filmed in July 2007 with the working title of Elmo's Christmas Spectacular. The special was later re-edited as Sesame Street Episode 4427, broadcast on PBS on November 27, 2013. This version of the special was edited to remove the commercial fade-outs and a few lines of dialogue, and also included a shortened version of Elmo's World: Happy Holidays! as the episode's Elmo's World segment.
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| - Elmo's Christmas Countdown is an hour-length Christmas special based on the children's television show Sesame Street. It premiered on Sunday, December 23, 2007, at 7:00 pm, on ABC. The special was filmed in July 2007 with the working title of Elmo's Christmas Spectacular. The special was later re-edited as Sesame Street Episode 4427, broadcast on PBS on November 27, 2013. This version of the special was edited to remove the commercial fade-outs and a few lines of dialogue, and also included a shortened version of Elmo's World: Happy Holidays! as the episode's Elmo's World segment.