| - After spending Christmas with his grandmother and aunt, Maitu works on equations that will allow him to travel in time. Christmas Eve, 1953 Maitu is riding a train to Auckland when he is confronted by another passenger. The passenger, who introduces himself as the Doctor, claims that Maitu is an anachronism. Later, as the train is passing over a bridge, the bridge collapses due to flood waters and the engine and first six cars fall into the water, including the car carrying Maitu and the Doctor. Maitu returns home.
| - After spending Christmas with his grandmother and aunt, Maitu works on equations that will allow him to travel in time. Christmas Eve, 1953 Maitu is riding a train to Auckland when he is confronted by another passenger. The passenger, who introduces himself as the Doctor, claims that Maitu is an anachronism. Later, as the train is passing over a bridge, the bridge collapses due to flood waters and the engine and first six cars fall into the water, including the car carrying Maitu and the Doctor. When the Doctor and Maitu escape from their car, they help in the rescue efforts. Maitu explains that he came here, into the past, to find out what became of his grandfather Hemi, who disappeared before Maitu was born. As they continue to work, Maitu ends up working alongside a young man named "Jim", who he eventually realises is his grandfather Hemi. They find a young girl trapped in one of the half-submerged cars, and as they try to rescue her, something large slams against the car. In order to save the lives of Maitu and the girl, Hemi lets himself be swept away. Maitu wakes in the community hall. An army nurse tells him that the young girl is all right but doesn't know who rescued her and Maitu. When the Doctor finds Maitu, Maitu realises it was he who saved them. Maitu returns home.