| - Hook's predominant feature is his hook in place of his right hand, a result of Peter cutting Hook's hand off and feeding it to a crocodile. Hook’s obsession with “good form” is a holdover from his higher education. It was ingrained in him from an early age that those who possessed “good form” often did not know it and that was why it was considered good form. Bad form is the highest insult of all to Hook and he spends much time fretting over his own possible fall towards bad form. Captain Hook often feels alone, especially when he is around his crew. He feels isolated and cut off from them, culturally and intellectually. His very few friends include Smee, his “number 2 man,” who is friendly and genial. They sail together aboard his ship, which is the terror of the seas. Peter is everything that Hook is not — wild, untamed, with no regard for rules or proper form. And in the sword fight, Pan cut off Mr. Hook's hand, then fed it to a gigantic crocodile. He then replaced his hand with an iron hook, and hence his present name was born. The fight brought more than a loss of limb to Hook. The crocodile developed a taste for Hook and follows him everywhere " from land to land, from sea to sea" relentlessly. Fortunately, the crocodile also swallowed his clock and now goes everywhere with an audible “tick, tock (which has earned her the non-canonical nickname of "Tick-Tock"). There is nothing Hook fears more than the crocodile, as he fears his death and fate are sealed with her.