The Cheesmeer was a frigate assigned to the Second Fleet. It was active during the Second Galactic Civil War. The frigate, along with Fleet Admiral Tarla Limpan and a portion of the Second fleet, were destroyed by a blast from Centerpoint Station. Turl Nevil, son of former Rogue Squadron pilot Kral Nevil, was an ensign about the Cheesmeer. He and the entire crew perished in the attack.
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| - La Cheesmeer fue una fragata asignada a la Segunda Flota de la Alianza Galáctica, y estuvo activa durante la Segunda Guerra Civil Galáctica. La fragata, junto con la almirante de flota Tarla Limpan y una gran porción de la Segunda Flota, fue destruida por un disparo de la Estación Centerpoint. Turl Nevil, hijo del antiguo piloto del Escuadrón Rogue Kral Nevil, era un alférez a bordo de la Cheesmeer. Él y toda la tripulación murieron durante el ataque.
- The Cheesmeer was a frigate assigned to the Second Fleet. It was active during the Second Galactic Civil War. The frigate, along with Fleet Admiral Tarla Limpan and a portion of the Second fleet, were destroyed by a blast from Centerpoint Station. Turl Nevil, son of former Rogue Squadron pilot Kral Nevil, was an ensign about the Cheesmeer. He and the entire crew perished in the attack.
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| - La Cheesmeer fue una fragata asignada a la Segunda Flota de la Alianza Galáctica, y estuvo activa durante la Segunda Guerra Civil Galáctica. La fragata, junto con la almirante de flota Tarla Limpan y una gran porción de la Segunda Flota, fue destruida por un disparo de la Estación Centerpoint. Turl Nevil, hijo del antiguo piloto del Escuadrón Rogue Kral Nevil, era un alférez a bordo de la Cheesmeer. Él y toda la tripulación murieron durante el ataque.
- The Cheesmeer was a frigate assigned to the Second Fleet. It was active during the Second Galactic Civil War. The frigate, along with Fleet Admiral Tarla Limpan and a portion of the Second fleet, were destroyed by a blast from Centerpoint Station. Turl Nevil, son of former Rogue Squadron pilot Kral Nevil, was an ensign about the Cheesmeer. He and the entire crew perished in the attack.