- Agave is a female SandWing who was mentioned in Deserter, and appeared in Darkness of Dragons as the soldier who recognized Palm when she was hiding at Prickle's hut. She has big shoulders and long claws.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Agave]] Ἀγαυή (Agauē), “‘Agave’”) from ἀγαυός (“‘noble, illustrious’”).
- Agave is a crop in FarmVille.
- Agave is a perrenial plant with thick fleshy leaves, filled with a sweet nectar. It is harvested by the Bika to make syrup for export, or for Kilicawe and Macawe, two of their indigenous drinks. The heart of an Agave can live for a very long time, the Bika word for "century" is Agave for this reason, and it only blooms once during its lifespan, before it wilts and dies. However, it also sends out runners to make shorter-lived clones that themselves develop into a heart if the link is cut.
- Agave was a personal knight to Strife Astlar in Chronicles of the Sword. She uses the Wave Sword discipline and it is also noted that she can deliver high damage even to a Knight based character. It is also noted that a Dancer will be knocked out with roughly 5-7 attacks (Grapples or combination attacks should be evaded, or blocked. Impacts are ill-advised unless you are proficient with them.) She may possibly be the most powerful female enemy while not using an effect in game. Chronicle 20 Agave appears in Soulcalibur IV in Tower of Lost Souls Descend mode using Sophitia's style.
- ¡Mama!-, Jose despertó sudando de miedo, apoyo sus pies en el suelo, después de tantos años, el sueño seguía siendo la misma pesadilla, el mismo espantoso recuerdo... El autobús en la carretera, el, entonces con seis años de edad en el regazo de su madre, sonriente, inocente, ignorante... Después, las balas atravesando el camión, las ventanas volviéndose añicos, algunos pasajeros se derrumbaban, los hombres armados subiendo al camión, ellos se llevaron a su madre, el trato de seguirlos, solo vio como la obligaron a arrodillarse y después...