| - Kakezan (Multiplication, 掛け算, Kakezan) is a unique shinobi hailing from the Land of Frost. Kakezan, is a master of ninjutsu on the molecular level, something very rare in the shinobi world. Having possessed Sakon and Ukon's kekkei genkai from birth, having been born in areas of heavy radiation turmoil from the Ten Tails tailed beast balls, he suffered a mutation that enhanced his capabilities, allowing him complete control over his body as well as the ability to transmute through molecules and structure (such as atoms and cells).
| - Kakezan (Multiplication, 掛け算, Kakezan) is a unique shinobi hailing from the Land of Frost. Kakezan, is a master of ninjutsu on the molecular level, something very rare in the shinobi world. Having possessed Sakon and Ukon's kekkei genkai from birth, having been born in areas of heavy radiation turmoil from the Ten Tails tailed beast balls, he suffered a mutation that enhanced his capabilities, allowing him complete control over his body as well as the ability to transmute through molecules and structure (such as atoms and cells). Truly a shape-shifter, control of his molecular structure has allowed him to change his form at will, and put the transformation technique to shame. And with the use of chakra, extraordinary feats can be performed, especially with the Transformation technique added to his kekkei genkai and use of the yin-yang. A user of the Assimilate All Creation Technique as well, Kakezan can take on the properties of anything made of matter and even chakra through touch. And then access these forms through memory if needed at a later date. Kakezan's unique skill set has allowed him to sail above the Shimogakure ranks. As Zetsu begun to attack, Kakezan became a capable leader of the shinobi in the Frost. His efforts have helped allowed the country to remain a stronghold against the zetsu forces. After defeating a powerful Black Zetsu commander, he assimilated and absorbed his chakra, allowing him to take on Black Zetsu qualities similar to one in control of a Black Zetsu coating them. As well as gaining significant amounts of seven and zero tailed chakra, Kakezan proceeded to master his new skills and then join the Shinobi Union II as the Dragon Force came to enlist the Frost into the Union. Kakezan then became the Frost representative for the Allied Council.