| - On Rhen Var, the powerless, exiled Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma continues to train Vima, the daughter of Nomi Sunrider. At last, Vima builds her own lightsaber and spars with Ulic, even though the grim man has been blinded to the Force. But he still remembers what it is to be a Jedi Knight, and reluctantly teaches her all that he knows.
Sylvar, the ferocious Cathar Jedi, has gone into isolation herself, hunting and killing the great beasts on the savannas of her homeworld. She has directed all of her anger and energy to thoughts of revenge, particularly aimed at Ulic and what she perceives as his part in her own misery. Sylvar kills monstrous animals, but is still unable to quench her inner rage. One night a messenger comes to her campfire, informing her that Vima Sunrider has vanished. She rushes to offer Nomi any help she can.
On Exis Station, Nomi Sunrider has turned away the scavenger Hoggon and his news of Ulic's whereabouts. Nomi realizes that she has neglected her daughter, and vows to bring her back, to train Vima as a Jedi. She heads off to Rhen Var, where she knows she will find Ulic. Hoggon, spurned, bumps into Sylvar on the station and offers his services to take her to where her enemy has gone to hide...
Back on the frozen world, Ulic and Vima continue their training, unaware of the forces converging on them...