R2-A6 was an R2 series astromech droid of the R-series produced by Industrial Automaton. During the invasion of the planet Naboo by the Trade Federation, it served as the personal astromech unit of Ric Olié, a pilot that served in the Bravo Flight group of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps; a wing of the Royal Naboo Security Forces whose job it was to protect the Monarch of Naboo. While Olié left Naboo to accompany Queen Padmé Amidala to the galactic capital Coruscant, R2-A6 remained behind in the Theed Royal Palace's hangar docked into an N-1 starfighter. When Olié returned as part of an effort to liberate Naboo, he boarded the starfighter carrying R2-A6 and launched out of the palace, joining his squadmates in attacking the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter Saak'ak. The freighter
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- R2-A6
- R2-A6
- R2-A6
- R2-A6
| - R2-A6 - зелёный дроид-астромеханик, произведённый Индустриал Амедишион. Дроид состоял в королевских силах Набу на корабле королевы Амидалы в 32 ДБЯ. Во время обстрела пилот Рик Олие не отправил его на погибель, считая его талисманом удачи. Однако, R2-A6 был на борту Браво I, во время Космической битвы за Набу.
- R2-A6 was een Astromech Droid die in 32 BBY dienst deed als de droid van Ric Olié. R2-A6 was aanwezig in Olié's Naboo Starfighter tijdens de Naboo Space Battle in 32 BBY. Olié had geen bijzondere band met de groenwitte droid opgebouwd maar toch beschouwde hij de unit als een soort talisman. Het was niet geweten wat er met R2-A6 gebeurde na de Invasion of Naboo.
- [Source] R2-A6 était un droïde astromech de série R2 appartenant à l'Escadron Royale de Chasse Spatiale sur Naboo vers 32 ABY. Il participa à la bataille de Naboo au coté du pilote Ric Olié, le leader de l'Escadron Bravo. Des années après, en 4 PBY, R2-A6 se retrouva sur Burnin Konn.
- R2-A6 era un droide astromecánico al servicio de las Reales Fuerzas de Seguridad de Naboo en el 32 ABY. Estuvo a bordo de Bravo 1 durante la Batalla Espacial de Naboo. Ric Olié, el piloto del Bravo 1, consideraba a R2-A6 como un talismán de buena suerte. Su cabeza se parece a la de R2-D2.
- R2-A6 was an R2 series astromech droid of the R-series produced by Industrial Automaton. During the invasion of the planet Naboo by the Trade Federation, it served as the personal astromech unit of Ric Olié, a pilot that served in the Bravo Flight group of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps; a wing of the Royal Naboo Security Forces whose job it was to protect the Monarch of Naboo. While Olié left Naboo to accompany Queen Padmé Amidala to the galactic capital Coruscant, R2-A6 remained behind in the Theed Royal Palace's hangar docked into an N-1 starfighter. When Olié returned as part of an effort to liberate Naboo, he boarded the starfighter carrying R2-A6 and launched out of the palace, joining his squadmates in attacking the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter Saak'ak. The freighter
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- Astrogatie
- Co-pilot
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