| - They randomly spawn inside the Jaldraocht Pyramid, appearing when a crack appears on the ground and emerging from it. Killing scarabs is a possible task from a Menaphos City Quest. Fighting the mummies in the pyramid is one way to get them to spawn.
- They randomly spawn inside the Jaldraocht Pyramid, appearing when a crack appears on the ground and emerging from it.
- the Scarab are used for a special food soruce within Planet Ophidia. you find them within the planet, and use them to feed Suki ShortTail and Saka ShortTail when they enter Sanctuary Gardens.
- Scarabs are the most powerful group of The Drudge infantry, and second most powerful of all the Drudge, exceeded only by the massive, tank-like Invaders. Standing approximately 8 feet tall, their extremely resistant exo-skeletons and rapid-fire, explosive-launching Hive Cannons make them far more powerful than any human infantry. Heavily armored, Scarabs can take more than a full magazine of weapons fire from most weapons before dying (on elevated difficulty it takes more than 32 shots from the Strike Rifle to kill a Scarab, compared to just 6 shots to kill a Drudge Drone). Scarabs come in four different varieties: the first Scarab encountered, the standard Scarab, the Storm Scarab, and the alternate Scarab seen in stasis in The Trust Base.
- Scarabs were beetles very common in the Senpet empire, which was known as the Empire of the Scarab. It was seen as a symbol of the ruthless sun, a sinister entity there. A handful were brought back to Rokugan by the Scorpion after that clan's banishment in the Burning Sands. The scarab was one of the few animals that survived the Day of Wrath.
- Scarabs are lower levelled versions of Scarab swarms. They are identical in appearance and behaviour to scarab swarms, including their extremely fast attack speed and ability to poison, making them dangerous for lower levelled players. They randomly spawn inside the Jaldraocht Pyramid by emerging from cracks in the ground. When they appear, the player they are targeting will stop moving momentarily, leaving them vulnerable to attacks from mummies if they do not have Protect from Melee activated.
- The Scarabs are an alien species which once ruled the Egyptus system more than a thousand years ago. They were unassuming creatures, with small bodies, three thin legs, and one purple eye with a mouth at its centre. However, they were extremely intelligent, able to design complex machines and force fields capable of stopping time itself. They were known to craft statues and guard robots in their image. They do not seem to have been a warlike race, although they could be very cruel when angered, as can be shown by their ruthless treatment of the vicious Scarab criminal Keprish. Their government was a monarchy, ruled by the Scarab Queen. They seem to have taught the aegyptosaurs how to create mummies and build pyramids. While the Scarabs either left the Jurassic Quadrant or are now extinct,