| - __TOC__ Happiness: I have two cows! *ish happy* Happiness (2): I am two cows! ^__^ ^__^ Happiness (3): MOO-HOO! Sadness: I don't have two cows. *cries* Sadness: MOO-HOO-HOO-HOO... *snif* Confusion: What? How many cows? Confusion (2): Moo? Contradiction: I have two cows. I don't have two cows. What the heck. Apathy: Are those your two cows? Whatever. Apathy (2): Don't have a cow, man! Depression: Oh god, I can't cope with these two cows anymore... Denial: What? I don't have two cows. Dental: Denthoal? Cowsth hathe tooths! Discomfort : I have two cows.......... coming out of my ass... Disinterest: You have two cows. Get over it. Ecstasy: Oh wow, yeah! You have two cows! Hehehehehe you shout as you roll around in the meadow. Love: Ah, to be gifted with two beautiful cows like rays of eternal sunshine. Life feels so good. Shock: OMFG TWO COWS. =OOOOO Awe: My god... two... cows... Fear: Oh my god! Two cows! Oh my god oh my god. Mass hysteria: OH MY GOD, THAT'S TWO COWS!!! FUCK, THEY'RE GOING TO TRAMPLE US ALL TO DEATH! HOLY SHIT, THEY'RE COMING THIS WAY!!!! RUUUUUNNN LIKE HELL!!! FLEE FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!! Surprise: Eeek! Two cows! Yours? Shit! Embarrassment: What? Two cows? No, they must be strays. Drugged: Two cows? Whoah, they're all, like, orange, man! Now they're green! Guilt: It's my fault about those two cows. Indifference: You have two cows. So?. Curiosity: So how did you get those two cows? Disgust: Ugh! Two cows? Grrrooooooossssss! Distrust: Have you been sleeping with my two cows? Acceptance: Alright. I'll take the two cows if I have to. Envy: Are your two cows better than my two cows? I want your two cows. Pessimism: So what if I have two cows - I don't drink milk anyway... Pride: I have two cows. Ha! Better than yours... Schadenfreude: Hehehe... his two cows died... sucks to be him! Hehehe... Singing MOOd: "I have two cows, the left and the right/Hold them upright, so clean and bright..." Surprised: Holy two cows! Super Hero MOOd: SUP-PER-COOOOOW! Ninja Turtle-esque Mania: Twocowsabunga! Spoiled Child: Two cows? I want three cows!! Spoiled Child (2): I want those three cows and I want them NOW!!! Random: You have two cows... ... ... ... ... PARSNIPS Your mother (just in general...): Where did these two cows come from?! Get a real job!! Paranoia: Can't sleep. Two cows will eat me. Doubt: Do you have two cows? I dunno, maybe... Hope: You'll have two cows REALLY soon, I bet. Loneliness: You have two cows. I had two cows. And they left me. Just like my wife did. And my son and daughter and mother and father... Rage: You have two cows? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!!! Sarcasm: You have two cows? WOW! That's so cool... Jealousy: My two cows like you better than I do. You should die. Innocence: Is that a cow? Eustace Bagge-scorns-Courage the Cowardly Dog MOOd: STUPID COW! You made me look bad! Robin's Ecstatic MOO: Holy two cows, Batman! They pooed on our Bat-Tractor!