| - Thirty years ago, “Army Series “recounted the memorable experiences of being inducted into National Service. Thirty years later, the second generation recruits are going to retrace the footsteps taken by their predecessors. That is what the 13-episode story is about—the growth and experience of the new generation recruits through the Basic Military Training. Based on the real trainings conducted in the modern day BMT, the drama series will be bearing witness to the three months of long, arduous and teeth-gritting trainings the recruits had to go through. The story revolves around the rookies—Blog Prince Chen Guanxi, son of first generation recruit Chen Guoqiang; brawny but brainless Lin Daiyu, son of first generation recruit Lin Musen; Ye Laixiang the Lobang King, son of first generation recruit Ye Laifa; Qin Sheng the self-professed Romeo and Fatty Ah Ber—and the various encounters they had, such as “the Whiners”, “the Ghostly Night”, “the Missing Bolt”, “the IPPT Competition”, “Training Escape 101”, “Rookie Recruits Vs. Colonel Bogey”. The episodes will also be exploring some of the most sensational news nowadays such as the Maid-carrying-NSman's-backpack controversy, the topic of overly-harsh military training, and to allow the audiences a glimpse of some of the little-known anecdotes in army. Of course, as a sitcom, the drama series is also packed with interesting incidents such as: the dating life in and out, a dragon-like boyfriend and a bug-life recruit, and Girlfriend is No.1 over the weekend. As this is also the first production since the 30th anniversary of theatrical work, the title of each episode will be named after MediaCorp’s classic series of over the past three decades: ”Army Series”, “As You Like It”, “Unriddle”, “Mystery”, “Switched”, “The Happy Trio”, “The Bond”, “Stand By Me”, “The Golden Path”, “Together”, “The Young Heroes”, “The Score”, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”.