| - I apologize for any bad spelling/grammar/language etc. this was written by numerous people and may seem confusing.
- Name: Parallels Run Time: 5:53 Year: 1977
* Wonderous Stories (Single)
* Yesshows
- Versi final dari Parallels Desktop sudah dirilis pertengahan Juni lalu. Pengguna bisa membelinya dengan harga $79.99. Sebalinya, para pengguna yang telah melakukan pre-order hanya perlu membayar sebesar $40.
- Rockstar Games is well known for its hidden references, innuendos and real-life allusions. This page highlights parallel events and changes between the real world and the GTA World.
- It allows you to run several operating systems along MACOS(even another MAC OS copy). It is recommended that you have at least a Gig of ram and preferably two or even three or four if you have a MacBook Pro. You can check for more info.
- Changing realities. Along with time travel it was what humans called a pain in the ass! Enterprise discovered this for the upteenth time firsthand. She and Lt. Worf were the only ones who felt the change. "What is going on?" He growled. "I don't know." She replied. Worf told Picard about his altered logs but Picard didn't believe him. "I remember it too!" Enterprise said. "Captain, something odd is going on here." Before he could reply, the realities changed again.
- Deze aflevering begint met de terugkeer van luitenant commandant Worf in een shuttle naar de Enterprise-D. Hij heeft de eerste prijs gewonnen in een Klingon wedstrijd waar hij zojuist is geweest. Hij is op die dag ook nog jarig. Maar als hij terug op de Enterprise is, gebeuren er rare dingen. Dokter Crusher vraagt nog ter verduidelijking of hij zijn verjaardag liever wel of niet viert en Worf antwoord, als een echte Klingon, "nee". Vervolgens krijgt hij een acute hoofdpijn die na een paar seconden weer weg is. Als hij dan de volgende kamer binnenloopt, springen alle vrienden van Worf achter de meubels vandaan en roepen "Verrassing!!". Worf kan dit toch wel enigszins waarderen, maar als hij vervolgens kijkt of kapitein Jean-Luc Picard aanwezig is, zegt Geordi tegen hem dat de captain geen t
- Lieutenant Worf returns victorious from a bat'leth competition and walks straight into his surprise birthday party. He begins to feel dizzy and disoriented, and is confused when his cake seems to change from chocolate to yellow and an absent Picard seems to appear out of nowhere. Worf is later summoned to engineering, where Data and Geordi show him how the Argus Array has been reprogrammed to spy on the Federation. Worf spots a Cardassian ship in the array's imaging logs and prepares to scan the area, but suddenly feels dizzy again, and recovers to see Data and Geordi working on the opposite side of the room. Spooked, he goes to sickbay to visit Beverly, and she states he is probably reacting to the concussion that cost him the bat'leth tournament. Shocked, Worf tells her he received no co
| - I apologize for any bad spelling/grammar/language etc. this was written by numerous people and may seem confusing.
- Changing realities. Along with time travel it was what humans called a pain in the ass! Enterprise discovered this for the upteenth time firsthand. She and Lt. Worf were the only ones who felt the change. "What is going on?" He growled. "I don't know." She replied. A Cardassion vessel approached. "What are you doing in my territory?" Enterprise growled. "I could ask the same about you. You are close to the border with mine." She replied. "I am repairing one of Starfleet's long range telescope's." Enterprise replied. "This telescope, what does it do?" The Cardassion asked."It monitors astronomical phenomena." Enterprise replied. "It would be used to spy on a neighboring species?" She asked. "Of course not!" Enterprise growled. "Ver well, I will leave you to your repairs." She left. "Charming bitch." Enterprise grumbled. Worf told Picard about his altered logs but Picard didn't believe him. "I remember it too!" Enterprise said. "Captain, something odd is going on here." Before he could reply, the realities changed again. Worf was stuck aboard a grieving Enterprise. La Forge was dead. "Why him?" She sobbed. "I don't know." Worf sighed. "This isn't our reality. I refuse it to be!" She cried. The next reality was even worse. Picard was dead. Worf spent 2 whole days trying not to soothe the distraught starship. "Make this end! Please make these horrors end!" She sobbed. As the subspace rift destabilized, Worf no longer went to different realities. The realities came to him. Within moments there were almost 300,000 Enterprise D's. Worf's looked around and muttered "Shit!" The hails she was receiving produced a mass ringing in her years. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She roared. The chit chat ceased. "Thank you." She sighed. "Now, apparently somehow a subspace rift has opened as a shuttle's warp signature affected it. The barriers between the realities are breaking down. We must find a way to fix that. With 285 thousands minds working together, it shouldn't be that hard. Repeat this information to every new Enterprise you see." She growled. "Who put you in charge?!" Shouted one. She had a cigar in her mouth and a glass of Romulan ale next to her. "It was my pulse that started this. Now pipe down drunk!" She growled. "Any more questions?" All remained silent. "Okay, let's get to work!" Enterprise ordered. "I may have a solution." Said one. "By sending Worf back through the fissure in his original shuttle, he could seal the fissure by creating an inverse warp field. Thus restoring the barriers and us to our original realities." She said. "Good work." Enterprise praised her. "Is, Captain Picard aboard you?" She asked. She nodded. "Safe and sound, why? Has something happened to him in your reality?" She asked. "He was killed in the incident with the Borg 4 years ago." Enterprise replied. "Oh..." She looked down. "Does he share your feelings in your universe?" Enterprise asked. "Yes. We are married." She replied. "Then you are lucky, so very lucky." She smiled. "I know. I'm sending Worf his shuttle now. Good luck, Enterprise." she said. "Same to you, Enterprise." Enterprise replied. She was distracted by a distress call from the shuttle Curry. The little shuttle was under attack by one of the Enterprise's. Most ships rounded on her. This new arrival was a battered wreck. Her hull barely able to maintain its integrity. A fatal gash ran along the length of her side and another infected cut crisscrossed her eye down her starboard saucer to her jawline. "You don't understand." She rasped. "I can't go back. The Borg, they've taken everything." As she prepared to fire, the other Enterprise fired first. A direct hit finished her off. "Find peace, noble one." The shooter Enterprise murmured as Worf entered the fissure. When Worf went to the bridge, he was pleased to find everything was normal. "Find things to your liking?" Enterprise asked. "Yes." He chuckled. "Enterprise's I'd like to thank you." He said. "You are very welcome, Lt." She replied.
- Lieutenant Worf returns victorious from a bat'leth competition and walks straight into his surprise birthday party. He begins to feel dizzy and disoriented, and is confused when his cake seems to change from chocolate to yellow and an absent Picard seems to appear out of nowhere. Worf is later summoned to engineering, where Data and Geordi show him how the Argus Array has been reprogrammed to spy on the Federation. Worf spots a Cardassian ship in the array's imaging logs and prepares to scan the area, but suddenly feels dizzy again, and recovers to see Data and Geordi working on the opposite side of the room. Spooked, he goes to sickbay to visit Beverly, and she states he is probably reacting to the concussion that cost him the bat'leth tournament. Shocked, Worf tells her he received no concussion and hurries to his quarters to retrieve his trophy to prove he won the contest. When he gets there, he finds a trophy that reads, "Ninth Place." Beverly tries to ease Worf's worries by assuring him that his memory will return if he slowly settles back into his routine. He gets back to work, and is on the bridge when he is alerted to an approaching Cardassian ship. Picard speaks with the captain, Gul Nador, and explains that the Enterprise is in the area to repair the array. Worf tells Picard that Nador's ship is the same one they saw in the array's imaging logs, but Picard and the crew are confused — they never suspected the Cardassians of tampering with it. Frustrated, Worf fills Troi in on the bizarre turn of events when Geordi arrives and says that the array's problem was a simple malfunction. Worf starts to protest, but feels dizzy again and notices a painting on his wall has moved and changed appearance. He experiences a wave of dizziness in which Troi's clothing changes, then another that leaves him on the bridge with the ship at red alert and a Cardassian warship on the viewscreen. Picard orders Worf to raise the shields, but he is too confused to do so before the warship fires. Riker takes over and retaliates, and while the Enterprise escapes, the Cardassians destroy the array. A disappointed Picard confronts Worf about his failure, and when Worf mentions memory loss, no one knows what he is talking about. Afraid he is losing his mind, he returns to his quarters, and is surprised when Troi arrives and tells him that she is his wife! Telling her he has no recollection of their marriage, he explains what he has been going through and is gratified that at least Troi seems willing to try to help him. Later, in engineering, Worf explains his experiences to Data, who points out that Geordi was present every time things went awry. They eagerly hurry to talk to Geordi, and are shocked to learn he is dead. Still looking for clues, Data hooks Geordi's VISOR up to the diagnostic array, and Worf has another dizzy spell. He wakes up to find himself in a commander's uniform, and Data tells Worf that he has detected a quantum flux in his RNA. They report to Riker, who is now Captain, to explain this problem. Data says Worf's RNA indicates that he does not belong in their universe. Data and Lt. Wesley Crusher, who is now a part of the crew, discover that a quantum fissure in the space-time continuum is causing this. Hoping to find where Worf belongs, the crew scans the fissure with a subspace differential pulse. While they search, the Enterprise is attacked by the Bajoran ship B'tanay, and the fissure begins to destabilize. Realities begin to merge into one another, and hundreds of Enterprises appear. Data realizes the only way to stop this phenomenon is to find Worf's Enterprise and send him back through the fissure to seal it. They manage to locate the right ship, and Worf boards his original shuttlecraft, re-modulated to seal the fissure. Worf soon arrives aboard his Enterprise, happy to finally be home, where he had won the tournament.
- Deze aflevering begint met de terugkeer van luitenant commandant Worf in een shuttle naar de Enterprise-D. Hij heeft de eerste prijs gewonnen in een Klingon wedstrijd waar hij zojuist is geweest. Hij is op die dag ook nog jarig. Maar als hij terug op de Enterprise is, gebeuren er rare dingen. Dokter Crusher vraagt nog ter verduidelijking of hij zijn verjaardag liever wel of niet viert en Worf antwoord, als een echte Klingon, "nee". Vervolgens krijgt hij een acute hoofdpijn die na een paar seconden weer weg is. Als hij dan de volgende kamer binnenloopt, springen alle vrienden van Worf achter de meubels vandaan en roepen "Verrassing!!". Worf kan dit toch wel enigszins waarderen, maar als hij vervolgens kijkt of kapitein Jean-Luc Picard aanwezig is, zegt Geordi tegen hem dat de captain geen tijd had om te komen. Vervolgens ervaart Worf weer zo'n vreemde hoofdpijn en opeens ziet hij kapitein Picard lopen. Hij vraagt of hij toch nog tijd kon vinden om te komen en kapitein Picard zegt simpelweg dat hij vanzelfsprekend tijd had. Kapitein Picard feliciteert Worf nog en vertrekt daarna. Als alle gasten weg zijn, ervaart Worf weer hoofdpijn en dit keer schrikt hij als hij merkt dat zijn trofee van de eerder genoemde wedstrijd is verandert in een trofee voor de 9e plaats. Worf laat zich onderzoeken door dr. Crusher, die niks kan vinden, behalve dat Worf misschien nog een napijn heeft van het gevecht in de wedstrijd. Maar eenmaal op de brug van de Enterprise, ziet Worf het beeld op het hoofdbeeldscherm veranderen van een beschadigde Argus array in een beschadigde array die omringd is door vijandige schepen. Kapitein Picard geeft Worf het commando om de schilden aan te zetten en fasers te vuren, maar Worf's paneel is plotseling van indeling veranderd. Na nog een hoofdpijn die hij in boordwerktuigkunde ervaart, blijkt dat hij getrouwd is met adviseur Deanna Troi en vlak daarna krijgt hij weer een dergelijke hoofdpijn waarna hij plotseling ook kinderen met Deanna heeft. Na een grondig onderzoek waarom Worf ervaart dat hij steeds van rang verwisselt bij de wedstrijd, waarom zijn paneel een andere indeling krijgt en waarom hij plotseling met Deanna getrouwd is of kinderen heeft, komt Geordi met een theorie: Worf verspringt constant van parallel universum naar parallel universum. Als blijkt dat Worf in zijn shuttle door een ruimtelijke breuk is gevlogen, gaat Worf met zijn shuttle en apparatuur om de breuk te dichten op weg. Maar door de straling die van de motoren van de shuttle afkomen, wordt de breuk groter en versmelten alle parallelle universa. Kapitein Picard ziet plotseling 358.246 Enterprises op zijn kijkscherm verschijnen en Data meldt dat ze 358.144 aanroepen krijgen. Één van de Enterprises, waar commandant Riker het commando heeft omdat kapitein Picard dood is, meldt dat de Borg hun hele universum hebben overgenomen en zware schade hebben. Commandant Riker zegt dat ze niet terug willen en begint op de shuttle van Worf te vuren. De Enterprise van dit universum en ruim 326.954 andere Enterprises merken dit op en tolereren niet dat Worf vermoord zou worden. Allemaal lossen ze een faser-schot op de aanvallende Enterprise, die onmiddellijk ontploft. Worf dicht de ruimtelijke breuk en alle Enterprises, behalve één, verdwijnen weer.
- Name: Parallels Run Time: 5:53 Year: 1977
* Wonderous Stories (Single)
* Yesshows
- Versi final dari Parallels Desktop sudah dirilis pertengahan Juni lalu. Pengguna bisa membelinya dengan harga $79.99. Sebalinya, para pengguna yang telah melakukan pre-order hanya perlu membayar sebesar $40.
- Rockstar Games is well known for its hidden references, innuendos and real-life allusions. This page highlights parallel events and changes between the real world and the GTA World.
- It allows you to run several operating systems along MACOS(even another MAC OS copy). It is recommended that you have at least a Gig of ram and preferably two or even three or four if you have a MacBook Pro. You can check for more info.