| - A tom stalked through the night, his eyes narrowed in determination, he flicked his tail in slight annoyance when another tom followed a bit more clumsily. "Shush, you're going to wake everything up in the forest!" the tom in front hissed, and continued on. The tom got up and shook himself out, "This is pointless! What are we even doing?" he asked. "We're going to find a way to teach Heronpaw that she is a Shadowclan cat, not a rogue, she should learn to start acting like one." the tom hissed back, and looked around. "Death berries..."
| - A tom stalked through the night, his eyes narrowed in determination, he flicked his tail in slight annoyance when another tom followed a bit more clumsily. "Shush, you're going to wake everything up in the forest!" the tom in front hissed, and continued on. The tom got up and shook himself out, "This is pointless! What are we even doing?" he asked. "We're going to find a way to teach Heronpaw that she is a Shadowclan cat, not a rogue, she should learn to start acting like one." the tom hissed back, and looked around. "So./. What are we looking for anyways?" the dark brown-furred tom asked, tipping his head in curiousity. "Something that'll bring Heronpaw to us." the other tom answered flatly, peering at every bush, and shaking his head at every one. The brown-furred tom scoffed, "I want to see that, she was never a cold Shadowclan cat, we both knew that." "This will make her realise that we were right, and she was wrong," the tom mewed, finally looking at a bush in delight, "I've found them!" he declared, turning to the other tom. "No! This isn't right! She's a clan-mate!" the dark brown furred tom yowled in horror, backing away. The tom rolled his eyes, "We're not going to kill her, mouse-brain, we're going to make it look like one of her friends tried to poison her." he mewed. "It's still way too wrong! This doesn't seem right!" the tom growled at his companion, backing up some more. The tom sighed, "Have it your way then, it doesn't matter, I don't need your help." he turned back to the bush. He broke off a branch, whose berries were ripe, the colour of red blood, and the tom who had backed away only muttered one thing; "Death berries..." The tom nodded. "This will bring her back to us./. She's not mouse-brained, but she can be fooled." he mewed, looking into the dark night, blue eyes blazing with annoyance.