If players destroy or lose their tackle box, another one could have be reclaimed free of charge by talking to the Fisherman's wife.
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- Fisherman's wife
- Fisherman's wife
| - Fishermans kone pleide å bli funnet på to steder. Den første var foran Fishing Guild, og den andre var på Isle Anglerine innenfor holde plattformen. I begge steder, kan aktørene samhandler med henne på samme måte. Spillerne kunne få en fisk sprengringer målstyring som viste statistikken på de siste konkurranse der spilleren deltok. Spillere kan også handle Fishermans kone å få tilgang til Fish sprengringer Reward Shop. Spillere hadde mulighet til handel fisk tokens for den rå fisken som vises, eller sparer opp tokens til å kreve en takle boksen. Hun ble fjernet da Fish sprengringer fått en stor oppdatering. Hvis spillerne ødelegge eller miste sin takle boksen, kan en annen ha bli gjenvunnet gratis ved å snakke med Fisherman kone.en:Fisherman's wife
- If players destroy or lose their tackle box, another one could have be reclaimed free of charge by talking to the Fisherman's wife.
- The Fisherman's Wife is an antagonistic character from the German fairy tale The Fisherman and His Wife.
- She was a tired and grumpy old woman spending most of her days knitting while her husband was out fishing. She took care of her husband's house by cooking and cleaning. She kept a hot pot of coffee warming on the fire for her husband's return. Thus it went; next she wanted to be Emperor, and then Pope. All of these the flounder granted her. At last she demanded to be the Lord of the Universe, with the power to command the rising and setting of the sun. The enchanted fish heard this request and, for her greed, returned the fisherman and his wife to the hovel where they had first lived.
- Aang and his friends first saw the fisherman's wife and her husband bickering on the dock in 100 AG. She explained to her husband that a terrible storm was approaching and it would be unsafe and foolish to go out fishing. He ignored her and she refused to accompany him, forcing him to hire someone else for the job. Sokka volunteered to take her place after hearing the fisherman yell that he would pay his next worker double and was hired on the spot. When the storm hit, she became worried about her husband because he had not returned. She besought Aang and Katara to find him and Sokka, but stubbornly refused to leave their refuge in order to help her husband. Upon reuniting with him after the successful rescue, she thanked Aang and demanded that her husband apologize for his poor behavior t
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| - She seems happy in her work.
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| - Fish Flingers Improvements
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| - Gives information on Fish Flingers Rewards.
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| - In front of Fishing Guild, At Fish flingers Lobby
| - Aang and his friends first saw the fisherman's wife and her husband bickering on the dock in 100 AG. She explained to her husband that a terrible storm was approaching and it would be unsafe and foolish to go out fishing. He ignored her and she refused to accompany him, forcing him to hire someone else for the job. Sokka volunteered to take her place after hearing the fisherman yell that he would pay his next worker double and was hired on the spot. When the storm hit, she became worried about her husband because he had not returned. She besought Aang and Katara to find him and Sokka, but stubbornly refused to leave their refuge in order to help her husband. Upon reuniting with him after the successful rescue, she thanked Aang and demanded that her husband apologize for his poor behavior toward the young boy.
- Fishermans kone pleide å bli funnet på to steder. Den første var foran Fishing Guild, og den andre var på Isle Anglerine innenfor holde plattformen. I begge steder, kan aktørene samhandler med henne på samme måte. Spillerne kunne få en fisk sprengringer målstyring som viste statistikken på de siste konkurranse der spilleren deltok. Spillere kan også handle Fishermans kone å få tilgang til Fish sprengringer Reward Shop. Spillere hadde mulighet til handel fisk tokens for den rå fisken som vises, eller sparer opp tokens til å kreve en takle boksen. Hun ble fjernet da Fish sprengringer fått en stor oppdatering. Hvis spillerne ødelegge eller miste sin takle boksen, kan en annen ha bli gjenvunnet gratis ved å snakke med Fisherman kone.en:Fisherman's wife
- If players destroy or lose their tackle box, another one could have be reclaimed free of charge by talking to the Fisherman's wife.
- The Fisherman's Wife is an antagonistic character from the German fairy tale The Fisherman and His Wife.
- She was a tired and grumpy old woman spending most of her days knitting while her husband was out fishing. She took care of her husband's house by cooking and cleaning. She kept a hot pot of coffee warming on the fire for her husband's return. When Rosella first saw her, she was sitting alone at the the table in the fisherman's shack knitting. When Rosella tried to speak with her, she had little patience and was annoyed by Rosella's presence. She wondered what Rosella was doing in her house. She was busy and didn't have the time to worry about Rosella and told her to leave. After her husband returned they both sat around the table talking, still choosing to ignore Rosella. Later Rosella found her standing at a counter kneading bread dough, still tired and still grumpy. Later after Rosella gave the couple a pouch of diamonds, she was astonished. Her husband then told her to hand Rosella, his fishing pole in trade. She obediently handed over the pole and thanked Rosella for the kindness. After that she was willing to talk to Rosella, she told her how pleased she was and that she would be able to buy new clothes. When Rosella stopped by later, she saw the lady knitting again, with a look of contentment. The fisherman once caught an enchanted flounder, and let it go. The fisherman's wife was furious, and commanded him to go back and demand the fish grant him a wish. The fish now owed the man, so it granted his wife's wish for a lovely cottage to replace their shack. This did not satisfy the wife for long, and she sent her husband back to demand a castle from the fish. She got it. Thus it went; next she wanted to be Emperor, and then Pope. All of these the flounder granted her. At last she demanded to be the Lord of the Universe, with the power to command the rising and setting of the sun. The enchanted fish heard this request and, for her greed, returned the fisherman and his wife to the hovel where they had first lived. It is likely that these are the same people to whom Rosella gave the bag of diamonds.
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