This unnamed Police Officer and his colleague were conducting a surveillance operation on a renowned drug dealer and his accomplice in September 2008. Having witnessed the two men at Roy's Rolls cafe in Victoria Street, Weatherfield, the officers were under the false impression that the pair had a supplier at the premises. Their suspicions raised even further when they witnessed cafe proprietor Roy Cropper engaged in conversation on a mobile phone outside - however, Roy was merely trying to trace the man who had left the phone at the cafe in order to return it to him.
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| - Police Officer 1 (Episodes 6897/8)
| - This unnamed Police Officer and his colleague were conducting a surveillance operation on a renowned drug dealer and his accomplice in September 2008. Having witnessed the two men at Roy's Rolls cafe in Victoria Street, Weatherfield, the officers were under the false impression that the pair had a supplier at the premises. Their suspicions raised even further when they witnessed cafe proprietor Roy Cropper engaged in conversation on a mobile phone outside - however, Roy was merely trying to trace the man who had left the phone at the cafe in order to return it to him.
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| - This unnamed Police Officer and his colleague were conducting a surveillance operation on a renowned drug dealer and his accomplice in September 2008. Having witnessed the two men at Roy's Rolls cafe in Victoria Street, Weatherfield, the officers were under the false impression that the pair had a supplier at the premises. Their suspicions raised even further when they witnessed cafe proprietor Roy Cropper engaged in conversation on a mobile phone outside - however, Roy was merely trying to trace the man who had left the phone at the cafe in order to return it to him. The police officers were still in pursuit of the criminals when Roy, accompanied by Ken Barlow, met up with the pair to hand over the phone. The two men quickly fled the scene when they spotted the police presence as Roy and Ken were arrested on the suspicion of supplying drugs. They were taken to Weatherfield Police Station and interviewed separately - both protesting their innocence. With Becky Granger being able to verify both Roy and Ken's version of events, they were subsequently released without charge.