| - Chin the Great (also known as Chin the Conqueror), was a warlord from the northwestern Earth Kingdom born over 370 years ago during the time of Avatar Kyoshi. He launched a largely successful war against the Earth King before being killed by Kyoshi in defense of her homeland.
- The chin was an area on one's face where the two sides of the jaw came together. In 2151, while taking a photograph of Jonathan Archer, Trip Tucker asked him to tilt his chin up. (ENT: "Rogue Planet") In 2366, Geordi La Forge got a left hook to the chin while the crew of the USS Enterprise-D was experiencing the side effects of Sarek's Bendii Syndrome. (TNG: "Sarek" ) In 2376, The Doctor said he understood Lewis Zimmerman's motivations for creating his program in his own likeness, saying "Compassionate eyes and a strong chin can go a long way". (VOY: "Life Line")
- Chin is a high-ranking Asian executive of Nintendo of America, inc. He has quite the adversarial relationship with his boss, Shigster, due to one too many racist comments. It is unknown whether "Chin" is his given name or his family name. It is speculated that his full name is "Chin Chin." Recently, he has quit his job at NOA to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian, like Dat Phan. He has what can only be described as a "Super-moustache," the powers of which are unstoppable. He has also learned the sacred art of "Doku timing," from a certain "Doku."
- Chin el Conquistador conocido en el Pueblo de Chin como "Chin el Grande", era un Maestro Tierra y despiadado señor de la guerra, nativo de la parte noroeste del Reino Tierra. Durante la vida del Avatar Kyoshi, Chin lanzó una exitosa conquista en gran parte del Reino Tierra y contra el Rey Tierra 46º antes de ser asesinado por Kyoshi indirectamente debido a su terquedad y orgullo, mientras el Avatar defendía a su hogar.
- Chin is a young boy that Rios and Salem meet in the hospital when they hear him calling for them from a room down the hallway. Chin tells them that he is there to get medicine for his ill parents. He had to sneak out of the house, as they would never let him go alone while the city was being attacked, but Chin went anyway as his parents would die if they did not get their medication.But he really has a different intention...
- Chin is Bruse Lee's relative. In the year 1997, he was hired by the govornment of Hong Kong to massacre the herd of fuckin' ugly reds rushing from the mainland, because the crime rate had skyrokeded, and Hongkong was ruined! Chin is a killer machine who will wipe out all 1.2 billion of the red communists! However, in mainland China there was a secret project in progress! A project to transform the deceased Tong Shau Ping into an ultimate weapon! Chin killed millions of the red communists, but was eventually killed by a single bullet! No problem though, as he could just turn back time!
- Prior to beginning his conquest, Chin served as the village leader of what eventually became known as Chin Village. He began his occupation in the northwestern Earth Kingdom and steadily expanded to all corners of the continent, successfully conquering all settled areas except for Ba Sing Se and the southwestern peninsula, in which Avatar Kyoshi and her people lived.
- Chin is a man who appeared in Last Man Standing (episode).
- Chin was a teenage boy abducted by Umbrella and brought to Sheena Island. He was taken away from the prison for dissection as part of the Tyrant mass-production process.
- Chin är en Tau'ri och är en Specialist som blev tilldelad till SG-16 under den tiden att det fanns bara tjugo SG team. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game") File:Jack O'Neill.JPG Denna karaktär artikel är en stub. Du kan hjälpa Sv.Stargate av utvidga det.
- Cette forme est prépondérante dans une grande partie du domaine occitan (limousin, provençal, vivaro-alpin, parlers biterrois et montpelliérain, entre autres). En languedocien, la variante can ne semble dans l’actualité usitée qu’en rouergat (conjointement avec chin). On la trouve également en provençal. Chercher "chin" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Chin was a Human male smuggler and chief associate of Talon Karrde's organization. A native of the planet Myrkr, Chin was one of Karrde's longest-serving and most trusted associates, and served as the smuggler's chief of operations for Karrde's headquarters on the planet. An expert on Myrkr's native wildlife, Chin trained and domesticated Karrde's pet vornskrs, and was skilled in the removal of ysalamiri from their tree branches. He filled many roles within Karrde's organization, including caring for the vornskrs Sturm and Drang, and crewing aboard Karrde's main vessel, the Wild Karrde. Chin served Karrde throughout the entirety of the Thrawn campaign, and was still part of the organization during the Caamas Document Crisis ten years later. A skilled engineer and gunner, Chin would most of
- Chin was part of a special task force sent to collect a specimen for the Terran Government for weapons research. His commanding officer was Colonel H.S. Stephens for the eighteen month long mission. Chin was aware of the plus one on the roster added by Sergent Wilks since the platoon was familiar with each other. During the hijacking, Chin was issuing out weapons to the Marines, but it was soon apparent that the feeding ramps were removed from the carbines and the pistols were sabotaged too. Some suggested using grenades, which was shot down by Chin who stated that it wasn't too bright to use grenades on a starship and have a loose grenade rupturing the hull. Colonel Stephens then ordered the Marines to the docking bay and stand by. Chin and his fellow Marines were then taken prisoner by t
- Jest to Tatepon, jeden z przyjaciół Uberherosa. Został uwolniony z mocy kamiennej klątwy dzięki mocy Bana Tatepona, która też przemieniła go z Yaripona na Taterazaya. Chin ma ciekawski charakter, jest przekonany, że zawsze dadzą radę. Jednak jego historia może być dużo dłuższa i sięgać czasów początku Patapon 1. Z całą pewności można stwierdzić, że pojawia się on w Patapon 2. Podczas misji Once Upon a Time in Patapole iluzja Hatapona zwraca się do trójki ocalałych Yariponów z imienia i prosi o odnalezienie Lady Meden.
- A chin is the lowest part of the jaw on creatures with mouths. Transformers have had chins since as long as they've had faces. Why is something of a mystery, since Transformers do not technically need mouths (and some don't even have one). One must also ask why certain bots have such large chins when they don't actually need them. Humanization? Experiences with mammalian lifeforms? Required for socially acceptable chin-stroking when plotting? Only Primus knows the truth.
- Xena first travelled to Chin after meeting Borias. Borias and Xena wished to make an alliance with Lao Ma and Ming Tzu, the rulers of the Lao and Ming Dynasties respectively. The chance of making an alliance was blown, when Xena attacked Lao Ma and kidnapped Ming T'ien, the son of Ming Tzu. Whilst here, Lao Ma rescued Xena from Ming Tzu, and temporarily revealed a good side of Xena. Xena returned to Chin several years later to kill Ming T'ien, who was secretly the son of Lao Ma as well as Ming Tzu, and who now ruled Chin as a tyrannical emperor. Ares helped Gabrielle get ahead of Xena to Chin, in order to stop her from committing what she saw as an unnecessary murder. This led to Xena being sentenced to death, with Ming T'ien's continued tyranted rule. Xena does, however, escape and kill M
- Chin is the main protagonist of the 1995 homebrew Super Famicom game Hong Kong 97. He is a relative of Bruce Lee (his exact familial connection is never explained) and apparently a resident of Hong Kong. When the country is handed over to China in the year 1997, Chinese mainlanders begin swarming into Hong Kong, causing the crime rate to skyrocket. In response to this, the Hong Kong government hires Chin and tasks him with killing the entire 1.2 billion population of China.