| - The Punisher(born Eric Key) is an American born Professional Wrestler that has became legendary for his skills in federations like World Championship 4, Total Nonstop Action E-Fed, World Wrestling Alliance, The World's greatest E-fed, Pure Sadistic Wrestling, The Asylum/WWEA, and Championship Wrestling Federation. In his short career he has held over thirteen titles.
- Several established Marvel Universe villains appear throughout the game, such as the Mafia captain Bruno Costa, Bonebreaker, Bushwhacker, Jigsaw, and the Kingpin himself as the final boss.
- The Punisher is a 2014 American comic book action vigilante film, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name and is reboot of The Punisher film series. This films stars
- The Punisher is a violent vigilante from Marvel comics and varies from being a dark anti-hero to being an outright protagonist villain depending on the writer and/or story. Driven by the death of his family, the Punisher hunts down criminals and kills them in brutal ways, and he is also known to settle for intimidation or torture. The Punisher is one of Marvel's more sociopathic and brutal anti-heroes and for this reason and overall the Punisher is a truly neutral character and belongs to the grey zone.
- Alec Chambers is the recipient of multi-disciplinary military training from the U.S. Marine Corps. While a S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Ops Agent, he also received training from the U.S. Army and Navy. In addition, since beginning his work as the Punisher, Chambers has used his military discipline and training techniques to update and expand his skills in areas that aid in his mission (disguise, acting, use of non-military weapons, etc.). From this training, Alec is proficient in not only basic infantry skills, but in special operations, which includes the use and maintenance of specialized firearms and explosive ordnance. He is highly trained in infiltration into heavily-guarded enemy territories and structures for the purpose of assassination, capture, and military intelligence.
- Frank Castle arbeitet als verdeckter FBI-Ermittler bei der Polizei in Tampa. Seiner Familie wegen möchte er aber diesen gefährlichen Job aufgeben und sich nach London versetzen lassen. Doch bei seinem letzten Einsatz geht etwas schief: Bei einem Waffendeal an den Docks, bei dem er als Dealer getarnt teilnimmt, wird Bobby Saint, der Sohn des mächtigen Unterweltbosses Howard Saint, erschossen. Dieser sinnt auf Rache. Er findet heraus, dass es sich bei dem Verantwortlichen für den Tod seines Sohnes in Wahrheit um den FBI-Agenten Frank Castle handelt. Der befindet sich zurzeit auf einer Familienfeier in Puerto Rico. Auf Wunsch von Saints eiskalter Gattin Livia soll nicht nur Castle, sondern auch seine ganze Familie ermordet werden. Saint schickt einen Trupp von Handlangern, unter denen sich au
- Disney's The Punisher was originally a mythical and highly feared comic book vigilante. However when The Punisher was finally captured by the Scooby Doo detective agency, it was discovered that he was the ghost of a dead cop who escaped the comic pages to appear in a series of low budget action movies and finally into the three-dimensional world of computer graphics. The only reason that The Punisher's fictitious spirit was able to be captured on a floppy disk was because computers were so slow back then. They were so slow in fact, that wheelchair-bound octogenarians used to race electrons in the 100m and 200m events at the summer Olympic games (Those damn superconductors were always too fast at the winter Olympic games).