- Angelina is a moderator on Club Penguin Rewritten.
- Angelina was a citizen of Rapture, and a Splicer, who dated Dieter Sonnekalb. Little is known about Angelina, other than an audio diary from Dieter revealing that she had a reputation with other men. Like other Rapture citizens, Angelina used Splicing to enhance her sexuality.
- Angelina is Nemo's niece in Everybody Loves Raymond. She is a very attractive waitress that works at Nemo's Pizza.
- Die junge Afrikanische Elefantenkuh Angelina lebt im Pittsburgh Zoo , Pennsylvania, (USA). Sie wurde dort am 09.07.2008 als zweite Tochter ihrer Mutter Savannah geboren. Ihre Schwester Callee wurde 2000 geboren. Beide haben Jack (Jackson) zum Vater, der jeweils vorübergehend in Pittsburgh eingestellt war. Fast gleichzeitig wurde im Juli 2008 Angelinas Halbschwester Zuri in Pittsburgh geboren , sie hat Moja (Margo) zur Mutter. Über ihren Vater haben sie eine Reihe weiterer Halbgeschwister. Zuri lebt heute mit Mutter, Schwester und Halbschwester, der Kuh Tasha sowie dem 2006 in Dresden geborenen Bullen Thabo-Umasai in Pittsburgh.
- "Angelina" is a song by Neurotic Outsiders, released on the Neurotic Outsiders album by released Maverick / Warner Brothers Records in 1996.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Angelina is an experienced racer with 21 flags. She calls the protagonist "little" because she thinks it is alright to call them that. She always wanted to be their friend and tells you about the Meister.
- She wanted a nightingale in order to create a Youth Potion before Hagatha. She tricked Graham into stealing Hagatha's caged Nightingale so that she could use it for her own needs. She had also been asked to join the Black Cloak Society by Hagatha, but later was denied membership after she found out Angelina had stolen her nightingale. She was presumably killed by Hagatha while Graham hid in the basement of the Antique Shop.
- [Fuente] Angelina era una estudiante de Gryffindor en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería en un período de tiempo desconocido. Fue una de las capitanas del equipo de Quidditch de Gryffindor.
- It seems that Ottavia met her match when Angelina successfully cleaned the bank thanks to her talents as a poker swindler. Ottavia had two options: kill her or recruit her. Of course, she chose to take her on at the casino and even gave her the job of vice-manager. The queen of trickery has made her way into the Borgia's Palace... Players better be careful!
- Eis o que foi-te a existência, Ó desditosa Angelina! Doce lírio de inocência, Pobre floco de neblina. Como dois botões pequenos, Duas flores orvalhadas, Teus olhos dormem serenos, Sob as pálpebras cerradas. Voaste, meiga criança, Tão feiticeira e mimosa, Como um riso de esperança, Como uma folha de rosa. É triste morrer no fim De uma manhã de esplendores... A fronte ocultar, assim, N’uma grinalda de flores. E sentir, por entre a dor Da derradeira agonia, De mãe um beijo de amor Roçar a fronte já fria... Aí, no funéreo leito, Toda coberta de rosas, Tendo cruzadas ao peito Duas mãozinhas formosas;