| - Happy Tree Friends offers plenty of opportunities for laughter (and not just at the Comedic Sociopathy of the cute little Gang of Critters getting constantly splattered).
* Nica Lorber singing "Yellow Submarine" in Flaky's voice during a behind the scenes special.
* From the same special, "Lippy" Lipman sucking his thumb while demonstrating his Nutty voice.
* From "Blind Date." Mole feels (dead) Lumpy's antler touch him and takes it to mean that he's being cuddled. He hugs Lumpy just as a bird nips at Lumpy's exposed brain, causing Lumpy's arm to smack him.
* In "Idol Curiosity", an ever-growing crack in the ground takes a taxi to catch Sniffles. You can even see the crack toss a few coins to the taxi driver!
* Flaky screaming at the sight of baby ducks in "A to Zoo", Lumpy's unintentional massacre of the baby chicks and Flaky's shell-shocked expression.
* From that same episode, Cuddles' quest to jab every animal he finds with a stick.
* Flippy riding an unicorn. A pink, winged unicorn on a flower field, while he's smiling happily.
* Any time The Mole does something stupid that blind people shouldn't be doing, such as driving and breaking the garage door..
* Pretty much any scene with The Mole in A Sight For Sore Eyes, such as walking down the middle of the road with a lawn mower.
* Also walking into an open manhole in Who's To Flame, and taking pictures in See What Develops.
* In "Sea What I Found," Lumpy looks out the window, sees moving water and gets sick. The next shot reveals that the boat was still in the dock, and what he actually saw was a washing machine Russell was towing.
* Nutty's "Falling in Love" Montage with a box of chocolates during "Sucker for Love." They're over the top and not all that connected to the episode, but it's particularly hilarious to see an old Nutty crying over the death of his chocolate lover — while eating her insides.
* From "Junk in the Trunk." Lumpy sees three options for transportation that he can use to pursue Lifty and Shifty: a racecar, a motorcycle and a pogo stick. Which does he choose? The pogo stick, of course!
* "Remains To Be Seen", once you get past the Nightmare Fuel, has Lumpy having to choose between many weapons in a small room to defend himself against his Zombie Friends. We see a lot of weapons that seem plausible, including a chainsaw... only for him to stick a reef blower onto his arm and wave it with triumph at Flippy. Fliqpy's face seals the deal.
* All of the Blurbs, but some scenes in particular, such as a Blurb placed over Lumpy's crotch reading "Blurb placed for your protection!"
* In Wrath of Con, when The Mole doesn't let Sniffles in without a pass, he just plain looks down and slaps his forehead.
* This was also referenced in the Blurb: "Read this: No pants=No service"
* In See You Later, Elevator, Handy tries to catch the elevator...but misses it because of his lack of hands.
* In one scene in "Double Whammy(Part 2)," Cuddles, Toothy and Cro-Marmot are playing dress-up.
* When they come out of the closet, Cro-Marmot has a dress stretched over the ice block that encases him.
* Happy Tree Friends hate mail, as read by the cast, studio staff, and various people on the street.
* The line "I wish I had a scrumptious lollipop" sounds funny on its own. So what happens when Nutty says it? Laugh all the way to a candy shop in your vicinity!
* The scene from "Ski Patrol" where Lumpy is receiving instructions to put chapstick on Giggles. Midway through, the film skips ahead to Lumpy performing open-heart surgery on Giggles, which Lumpy doesn't realize from his perspective. The film skips ahead again as Giggle stands comfortably, then keels over as her chest erupts with blood and various objects, including a shoe.