SuperSaiyanKirby Confidential is a documentary series created by Nickelodeon to complement the run of the Nicktoon SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures. Each episode was broadcast on NickTV a day after a SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures episode was first broadcast on Nickelodeon. The running time of the series was 45 minutes, as it went on without commercial breaks. The show's seventh and final season aired in 2017, where a look back at season one was seen, as the Confidential began on Season Two.
Attributes | Values |
| - SuperSaiyanKirby Confidential
| - SuperSaiyanKirby Confidential is a documentary series created by Nickelodeon to complement the run of the Nicktoon SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures. Each episode was broadcast on NickTV a day after a SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures episode was first broadcast on Nickelodeon. The running time of the series was 45 minutes, as it went on without commercial breaks. The show's seventh and final season aired in 2017, where a look back at season one was seen, as the Confidential began on Season Two.
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| - Courtsey Call
- Reach for the Stars
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show name
| - SuperSaiyanKirby Confidential
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Num episodes
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First Aired
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num seasons
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Last Aired
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Theme music composer
| - Fábio Silva
- Thousand Foot Krutch
- daksMusic
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asst producer
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| - SuperSaiyanKirby Confidential is a documentary series created by Nickelodeon to complement the run of the Nicktoon SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures. Each episode was broadcast on NickTV a day after a SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures episode was first broadcast on Nickelodeon. The running time of the series was 45 minutes, as it went on without commercial breaks. The show is a behind-the-scenes footage of the making of SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures clips and interviews with the cast, production crew, and other people. Each episode would deal with a different topic, in most cases the episode of SuperSaiyanKirby Adventures that it precedes. The show's seventh and final season aired in 2017, where a look back at season one was seen, as the Confidential began on Season Two.