Many of the actions figures are based on characters from the movies, the shows, books, comics, and video games from both the Star Wars Legends continuity and canon. Legends honorable mentions include Bastila Shan, Darth Malgus, Darth Plagueis, and Galen Marek. This also includes Legends characters in the Hasbro's Black Series Fan Choice throughout the years: Mara Jade Skywalker in 2012, Revan in 2015, and Jaina Solo in 2016. Grand Admiral Thrawn was also announced at Celebration Orlando as an upcoming figure in the six inch line of figures, announced by Timothy Zahn (Thrawn's creator) and Dave Filoni (the one responsible for bringing Thrawn into canon in Star Wars Rebels).
Attributes | Values |
| - Star Wars: The Black Series
| - Many of the actions figures are based on characters from the movies, the shows, books, comics, and video games from both the Star Wars Legends continuity and canon. Legends honorable mentions include Bastila Shan, Darth Malgus, Darth Plagueis, and Galen Marek. This also includes Legends characters in the Hasbro's Black Series Fan Choice throughout the years: Mara Jade Skywalker in 2012, Revan in 2015, and Jaina Solo in 2016. Grand Admiral Thrawn was also announced at Celebration Orlando as an upcoming figure in the six inch line of figures, announced by Timothy Zahn (Thrawn's creator) and Dave Filoni (the one responsible for bringing Thrawn into canon in Star Wars Rebels).
| |
| |
| |
| - *Gial Ackbar
*Padmé Amidala
*Wedge Antilles
*Cassian Jeron Andor
*Ello Asty
*Mosep Binneed
*Lando Calrissian
*CC-2224 "Cody"
*CC-3636 "Wolffe"
*CC-8826 "Neyo"
*Salacious B. Crumb
*CT-7567 "Rex"
*Poe Dameron
*Biggs Darklighter
*Jyn Erso
*Toryn Farr
*Boba Fett
*Jango Fett
*Armitage Hux
*Chirrut Îmwe
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure
*Kanan Jarrus
*Qui-Gon Jinn
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Baze Malbus
*Darth Malgus
*Galen Marek
*Darth Maul
*Darth Plagueis
*Dak Ralter
*Kylo Ren
*Bastila Shan
*Anakin Skywalker
*Luke Skywalker
*Mara Jade Skywalker
*Han Solo
*Jaina Solo
*Leia Organa
*Hera Syndulla
*Ahsoka Tano
*Luminara Unduli
*Jon Vander
*Sabine Wren
*Mace Windu
| - *Armor
**Phase I clone trooper armor
**Phase II clone trooper armor
**Stormtrooper armor
**Snowtrooper armor
**Scout trooper armor
**Mandalore's armor
**Luke Skywalker's lightsaber
**Mace Windu's lightsaber
**Obi-Wan Kenobi's first lightsaber
**Obi-Wan Kenobi's third lightsaber
**Anakin Skywalker's first lightsaber
**Darth Plagueis's lightsaber
**Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber
**Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber
**E-11 blaster rifle
**EC-17 hold-out blaster
**Sacros K-11
| - *Clone Wars
**Battle of Geonosis
**Siege of Saleucami
*Galactic Civil War
**Battle of Yavin
**Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon
| - SDCC 2014: Hasbro's Star Wars Panel – Liveblog
| - *74-Z speeder bike
*Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
*TIE/fo space superiority fighter
| - *Abednedo
*Dathomirian Zabrak
*Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
*Tusken Raider
| - news/sdcc-2014-hasbros-star-wars-panel-liveblog
| - *Alliance to Restore the Republic
**Alliance Military
***Rogue One
***Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps
****Rebel pilot
*Bounty hunter
*First Order
**First Order military
***First Order Navy
****First Order TIE Fighter Pilot
***First Order Army
*****Coastal defender stormtrooper
*****Riot control stormtrooper
**High Command
*Galactic Empire
**Emperor's Royal Guard
**Imperial Military
***Imperial officer
***Advanced Weapons Research
***Imperial Army
****AT-ST driver
****Imperial combat assault tank pilot
****Stormtrooper Corps
*****Crimson Stormtrooper
*****Death trooper
*****Shock trooper
*****Scout trooper
***Imperial Navy
****Imperial Starfighter Corps
*Galactic Republic
**Republic military
***Grand Army of the Republic
****41st Elite Corps
****91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps
****212th Attack Battalion
****442nd Siege Battalion
****501st Legion
****Clone marshal commander
****Clone trooper
****Clone trooper pilot
****Clone trooper sergeant
****Coruscant Guard
*Guardians of the Whills
*Guavian Death Gang
**Guavian security soldier
*Jedi Order
**Jedi Master
**Jedi Padawan
*Order of the Sith Lords
**Sith Lord
**Sith apprentice
**Resistance military
***Resistance army
***Resistance navy
****Resistance Starfighter Corps
| - *Assassin droid
*Astromech droid
***R2-series astromech droid
***R5-series astromech droid
*Security droid
**KX-series security droid
| - *Naboo
| - Many of the actions figures are based on characters from the movies, the shows, books, comics, and video games from both the Star Wars Legends continuity and canon. Legends honorable mentions include Bastila Shan, Darth Malgus, Darth Plagueis, and Galen Marek. This also includes Legends characters in the Hasbro's Black Series Fan Choice throughout the years: Mara Jade Skywalker in 2012, Revan in 2015, and Jaina Solo in 2016. Grand Admiral Thrawn was also announced at Celebration Orlando as an upcoming figure in the six inch line of figures, announced by Timothy Zahn (Thrawn's creator) and Dave Filoni (the one responsible for bringing Thrawn into canon in Star Wars Rebels). A special Black Series Titanium vehicle modeled after the First Order TIE Fighter was given out for free to subscribers for Star Wars Insider 171.