Tropp, also known as Trop, is a port town located in the western coast of the Astralian Continent in Roak.
A port town located on the western coast of Astral. As the main entryway into the Astralian continent, it is home to commercial trade with both Silvalant to the west and Muah to the east. The tallest lighthouse on the continent stands near its docks, built large enough for even the biggest of ferryboats. A large anchor-like symbol sits in its city square, and the town's atmosphere belies its history as a port at every street corner.
Tropp, also known as Trop, is a port town located in the western coast of the Astralian Continent in Roak.
A port town located on the western coast of Astral. As the main entryway into the Astralian continent, it is home to commercial trade with both Silvalant to the west and Muah to the east. The tallest lighthouse on the continent stands near its docks, built large enough for even the biggest of ferryboats. A large anchor-like symbol sits in its city square, and the town's atmosphere belies its history as a port at every street corner.