| - As one of the greatest and most important naval engagements in the Secession War, the Battle of the Serpent Nebula is known in history as the turning point of the Turian Civil War. A bold attack commanded by Hekeir Orata of the Arcovan Separatists turned into an immense battle just near the Citadel. The attack was spawned by Praefan Arterius and the great military minds of the Arcovan as a sign to show just how serious they were. The plan was simple: a fleet of Arcovan warships would enter the Serpent Nebula and lay siege to the Citadel, itself. Ordinarily, such a battle plan would be suicide due to the Citadel's overwhelming defenses and the personal fleet that orbits it, however, the war fleet would be commanded by Hekeir Orata, the former-naval commander and brilliant strategist. The attack was extremely sudden and the Citadel Fleet, the majority of which was retaken by the turians, was caught completely off-guard. Orata's strategic skill proved to surpass that of his opposition as he managed to cripple much of the Citadel Fleet's frontline forces and barrel his forces straight into the Citadel. After managing to fire off a few mass accelerator rounds into the Citadel wards, Orata and his fleet prepared to make their escape. The Arcovan fleet retreated back into the haze of the Serpent Nebula, but were intercepted by reinforcements from the Hierarchy. The battle in the nebula lasted for hours as the two opposing forces chased eachother through the purple haze, but the Arcovan managed to defeat the Hierarchy fleet and escape back to their territory.