| - Polly: (pants) Boy, is it ever hot. Joel: It's days like these I'm glad we have a giant who can provide us with shade. Big Faye: (sighs) You're welcome. But I wish I had some shade myself. Sugar: If I were in your position, I'd agree. Sugar: Ow! Caber: Sugar, you okay? What happened? Sugar: I fell in the sand. Sugar: (wiggles her toes) Hey, where's my shoe? Sugar: Huh? Polly: What was that? Sugar: I don't know... Caber: Hmm. Must be a Pokémon underneath the sand here. Joel: Well, whatever Pokémon it is, it certainly bit off more than it could chew. (points to Sugar's shoe) Sugar: Maybe it's a Sandshrew.
| - Polly: (pants) Boy, is it ever hot. Joel: It's days like these I'm glad we have a giant who can provide us with shade. Big Faye: (sighs) You're welcome. But I wish I had some shade myself. Sugar: If I were in your position, I'd agree. Sugar: Ow! Caber: Sugar, you okay? What happened? Sugar: I fell in the sand. Sugar: (wiggles her toes) Hey, where's my shoe? Sugar: Huh? Polly: What was that? Sugar: I don't know... Caber: Hmm. Must be a Pokémon underneath the sand here. Joel: Well, whatever Pokémon it is, it certainly bit off more than it could chew. (points to Sugar's shoe) Polly: Mm-hmm. Wonder what kinda Pokémon it is? Sugar: Maybe it's a Sandshrew. Caber: Sandshrew nothin'. It's a Trapinch. (pulls out a Pokédex) Trapinch: Tra Pinch! Caber: (points to the mouth) No wonder we had a pit of trouble getting your shoe out of the sand. This little guy musta thought your shoe was a treat at first, but then spat it back out again. Sugar: Aww, that's kind of cute! Joel: Cute? That thing coulda chopped your foot clean off! Joel: (in pain) AHHHHH!!! Get it off, get it off, get it off, get it off, get it off! Caber: Hold it, man. I'll get it. (pulls at Trapinch) Joel: Wow, that hurt! Big Faye: Well, I think you might've hurt Trapinch's feelings when you said that. Joel: Hey, when my brain talks, I talk! Caber: It's okay, Trapinch. You're among friends now. (pets her) Trapinch: Tra Pinch. Sugar: That looks so cute! Caber: This little one must've been trying to make herself a sand trap, waiting for something to fall in so she could have it to eat. That's why she grabbed your shoe, thinking it was something edible at first, but then spat it back out. Sugar: Sounds cute! But thanks for giving me my shoe back, Trapinch. Polly: (looks) I think I see the teeth marks on the soles of your shoe, Sugar. (points to them) Sugar: Cool! Trapinch must have some strong teeth. Big Faye: Trapinch can evolve into Dragon-types, too. Like Vibrava, and Flygon. Maybe you could catch her, Caber. Um, I mean, if you'd like. Caber: Hmm. Well, I could use another Dragon-type in the future. Whaddaya think, Trapinch? Trapinch: Tra Pinch! Caber: Well, let's do this right. I'll battle you. Trapinch: (gets ready) Trapinch! Caber: (brings up a Poké Ball) Since Trapinch is a ground-type... Go, Horsea! Horsea: (appears) Horsea! Caber: Everything'll be alright, Horsea. You can do this. Caber: (brings out an empty Poké Ball) Go, Poké Ball! Polly: Yay! We got a new friend! Sugar: Yay!! Caber: Well, that brings my team up to five. With a little more training, I'm sure Horsea and Trapinch will be invaluable members. Joel: Yeah, if Horsea gets past her shyness. Caber: Baby steps, Joel. Baby steps. Sugar: Mm-hmm.