| - This mod makes Davin useful and not a useless burden. This is the opposite of Miria mod as it allows female player to get a more useful Davin. This was created by lisac2k in the Survivor mod An updated version is part of the MIB88 Megamod
- Eine der Personen die der Kometensohn Mythor bei seinen Reisen durch die Schattenzone trifft.
* Mythor-Fundort: My119/50 .
- Davin was Beth's coworker at St. Equis Hospital. Davin is in love with Beth and he constantly hits on her and tries to seduce her and win her over. Because of this, Jerry is extremely jealous of him. Beth denies having any feelings for him, which she most likely doesn't, but Jerry does not trust her around him and absolutely hates him with every fiber in his being.
- Davin es el hijo de Grisham en 2241.
- Davin is Grisham's son in Modoc in 2241.
- Davin no aparece en ninguno de los mapas intergalácticos, tanto oficiales como no oficiales y esto no es de extrañar, pues como sugiere este fragmento de la historia de la Herejía de Horus, seguramente sería objetivo de Exterminatus:
- Można przyłączyć go do drużyny wychodząc za niego za mąż, lub żeniąc się z nim, zależnie od płci twojej postaci i poglądów na ten temat. Aby było możliwe wymagana jest wysoka charyzma, 8 punktów i poprawne przeprowadzenie dialogu, co jest bardzo proste, wystarczy wykazać odrobinę zainteresowania nim i praktycznie sam się na nas rzuca. Po zawarciu związku z Davinem nie można będzie już tego zrobić z Mirią, można mieć w drużynie tylko jedno z rodzeństwa. Za przyłączenie Davina dostajemy na karcie karmy status Żonaty/Mężatka.
- Davin is the prime world of the solar system of the same name, conquered during the Great Crusade by the Warmaster Horus, his Luna Wolves Legion, and the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet alongside contingents from the Word Bearers Legion. Davin is one of two habitable worlds in its star system, the other is its moon. Both Davin and its moon were desert Feral Worlds discovered in the 143rd year of the Great Crusade, where the Primarch Horus' 63rd Expeditionary Fleet linked up with a lost strand of humanity on the surface of the planet. It was the eighth world conquered by that Expeditionary Fleet of the Great Crusade, and so for a time Davin had the designation Sixty-Three Eight. It is principally known in Imperial history for being the infamous world upon which Horus made his pact with the Ruinous