| - Brother Eye is fought as the final boss of the Batcave: Inner Sanctum alert and raid. The fight consists of two distinct phases. During the first phase, Brother Eye is untargetable, but will continuously damage any players in laser fields on the floor, while summoning hordes of drones. Once in a while he would use a special attack.
* Pulsar sequence - red pulsing fields that damages and knocks back players.
* Gravity sequence - yellow and black fields and pulls and slows players.
* Laser sequence - by far the most lethal attack. Massive lasers, two at a time, slash across the entirety of the boss room multiple times, leaving scorching trails. Easily hits over 1000 (possibly twice) and knocks back players. After taking down all five terminals on the wall with Batman's help, Brother Eye detaches from the wall and attacks on the battlefield. This phase can be easy or very hard. In this state Brother Eye has two attacks.
* Brother Eye fires a laser that sweeps in a 360-degrees manner around the whole room. However, this hits mid air so any player on the ground can ignore this.
* Brother Eye spins rapidly while moving, inflicting extreme melee damage and knocking back players, easily killing any player of the relevant level in one combo.
* Additionally, Brother Eye can teleport to any point within the boss room. The key to this phase is avoiding the spin attack; as long as you do, he won't do any damage. His teleport has a long animation, so start dodging once you see it. His spin moves faster than you can, so you want to be a safe distance away before he starts spinning. While it could be very hard if the team is not experienced, some players can just kite almost indefinitely and solo this phase with sufficient practice, even without being overgeared.