| - Sir Barant le Apres, the "King of the Hundred Knights" has been variously identified as Aguysans, Ritschart, Malaguin/Margon or Heraut. He was supposed to be the brother of the Lady of Malehaut and thus King of that land. He was still a young man when he joined forces with the rebel kings in the early years of King Arthur's reign. He had many more followers than his popular title suggests, however, for he was able to pledge some 4,000 mounted warriors to the rebel cause. Two nights before the Battle of Bedegraine, the King had a wondrous dream in which a great wind blew down all the castles and towns and their ruins were slept away in a great flood. This was interpreted as meaning that he would do well in battle, and so he did. The King of the Hundred Knights did not join King Lot of Orkne
| - Sir Barant le Apres, the "King of the Hundred Knights" has been variously identified as Aguysans, Ritschart, Malaguin/Margon or Heraut. He was supposed to be the brother of the Lady of Malehaut and thus King of that land. He was still a young man when he joined forces with the rebel kings in the early years of King Arthur's reign. He had many more followers than his popular title suggests, however, for he was able to pledge some 4,000 mounted warriors to the rebel cause. Two nights before the Battle of Bedegraine, the King had a wondrous dream in which a great wind blew down all the castles and towns and their ruins were slept away in a great flood. This was interpreted as meaning that he would do well in battle, and so he did. The King of the Hundred Knights did not join King Lot of Orkney's second phase of rebellion, however, and submitted to the overlordship of Arthur. He was married to Riccarda, sister of his ally, King Galehaut of Sorelais. They had sons named Marant and Cargril and a daughter named Landoine. The King of the Hundred Knights besieged the Sore Pucelle's castle on behalf of his son, Cargril, who was enamored of her. Cargil, however, was killed and his father's forces defeated by Sir Gawain. The latter sent the King of the Hundred Knights back to Camelot. He rescued his sister, the Lady of Malehaut, from an abductor en route and, upon arrival, was made a Knight of the Round Table. He served in King Arthur's continental invasions of the Roman Empire and died at the Battle of Lerline fighting for King Amorold of Ireland. Most of the stories about the King of the Hundred Knights name him as Malaguin or Margon. This name would seem to indicate that he is based on the historical, King Maelgwn Hir of Gwynedd who lived in the early 6th century. This is backed up by Malaguin being given as the brother of the Lady of Malehaut, who was mother of Sir Dodinel. Since Sir Dodinel's mother was the niece of King Belinant, her most likely father - and therefore that of Malaguin - is Belinant's brother, King Cradelmant of Norgales. King Cradelmant can be identified as the historical Maelgwn's father, King Cadwallon Lawhir