| - She sat on the shore, dabbling her toes in the water as she waited for the bobber to dip beneath the surface. She could still hear the chattering of life from Sen'jin village up the hill, and it brought her peace. After all her people had endured, after all the trolls had suffered and fought through, they had finally found a home. Maybe not much of a home, she chuckled, but it was a beginning. The future looked good for her people, and for her. "Sen' jin village is under attack!"
| - She sat on the shore, dabbling her toes in the water as she waited for the bobber to dip beneath the surface. She could still hear the chattering of life from Sen'jin village up the hill, and it brought her peace. After all her people had endured, after all the trolls had suffered and fought through, they had finally found a home. Maybe not much of a home, she chuckled, but it was a beginning. The future looked good for her people, and for her. Her fingers ran softly over the necklace tightly circling her throat. Tiny bones laced together, it marked her induction into the arts of spirit-talking. She had opened herself to the loas, and hoped to be a powerful priestess one day. The necklace was handmade, but not by her won hand. Sujin herself had never been fond of killing. She had fought, and killed, all her people had during the battles with the Murlocs, but she had no love of the act. Her younger sister, Rashaja, had made it for her. She was a skilled hunter, and intensely proud of her contribution to her older sister’s path. She smiled again, a hearty tusk-spreading smile, with thoughts of her future dancing through her mind. Thoughts that inevitably led their way to Bado. After the turmoil of the last few years, she never expected to find a mate. Then she met Bado. They were to swear their oaths this coming summer, and had already begun building their hut. She was ecstatic. She glanced back towards Sen' jin as the sounds of the village began to pick up. Not enough to make anything out, but enough to know something was going on. Hopefully it was Bado. He had left in a party heading out past the Barrens last week, and was due back today. She rose and began gathering her fishing pole, ready to greet her lover's return. Then she heard the cry. "Sen' jin village is under attack!" She dropped her pole and, grabbing the only weapon available to her, her fishing knife, she sprinted up the hill. Alliance! They ran through the village, setting huts afire and slaughtering young trolls. Lying on the ground in the center of the village was Tongo, one of the members of Bado's group. They had returned! But she saw none of the others, and Tongo was dead, elven arrows filling his chest. "Bado!' she cried, scanning the carnage around her for a glimpse of her mate. She saw him, standing before their hut over the prone body of her sister, encircled by attackers. Shouting his name again, she darted towards them. Then a sharp pain tore through her skull, and darkness enveloped her. "Wake, little sister, and be well." The voice pulled her from the void she traveled, and her eyes fluttered open to see a Tauren kneeling above her. She sat up, too quickly, her head pounding with the movement. "Bado! Aja! Where are dey?" And the Tauren began his explanation. “As your men made their way back from Ashenvale, they picked up a trail of Kaldori trackers. They followed them all the way across the Barrens into Durotar, unt-…” the droning of his voice trailed off in Sujin’s head as her eyes drifted to a pile of troll bodies. Dozens of dead lay atop one another, as the witch doctor chanted their way into the spirit world. As he placed the torch to them, she watched the flames begin working their way up. A hand jutted out from the pile, a small bone bracelet encircling its blue wrist. A bracelet Aja had made for Bado with bones left over from the necklace. The warmth and hope that once filled her was gone, and the swirling of the flames swam in her mind. As she drifted back into slumber, her thoughts drifted towards the future, and the last of the family she no longer had.