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- Pick Pocket is a cog move that can be performed by Telemarketers, Name Droppers, Bottom Feeders and Short Changes.
- Pick Pockets are thieves like the con artists described above, but there aren't nearly as many. Most players consider this skill inferior to Con Artist (Because Con Artists can rob $500.000 and avoid taxes). The command and mission is the same, though Pick Pockets pay normal taxes and their robberies go up to $100000, which is inferior to the Con Artist limit. As opposed to Con Artists, the failure rate of /rob for them is low. This makes them more useful in some scenarios where players still rely on the Con Artist skill (e.g. robbing players at bank exit). When they rob, players do not receive a textdraw stating that they have been robbed. However, it shows much smaller in the chat screen.
- CO / IN / DE
- Apprentice: Thieves (but only after discovering the Thieves Underground) or Vollinger Expert: Poone, Tarant Master: Sammie White, Tarant (Kensington Park)
- This skill allows characters to steal people's personal possessions, success being determined by a Pick Pocket test. This skill can be acquired more than once, in the same way as the Pick Lock skill, giving the character a +10% modifier to the test for each additional time the skill is obtained. Characters with Pick Pocket skill can attempt to quietly remove items from a sleeping Ogre or fellow adventurer without being noticed. Characters who spend long periods picking pockets suffer a cumulative penalty of 10%. Thus, the test is made at -10% on the second day, -20% on the third, and so on.
- Time Taken: One round. Characters use pick pocket to pick the pockets of others, or to palm objects without being noticed. When a character makes a pick pocket attempt, the victim makes an opposed Search or Perception roll to notice it. The difference between the two rolls determines the pickpocket's success. Use the following guidelines:
- Typically the rogue will be able to pilfer a small item such as a potion, gem, junkbox, various junk items, and/or a small quantity of cash. A given mob may only be pickpocketted once - an error message is displayed on further attempts. In the past multiple attempts were possible, but only the initial (successful) attempt yielded any results.
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- Pick Pocket is a cog move that can be performed by Telemarketers, Name Droppers, Bottom Feeders and Short Changes.
- Time Taken: One round. Characters use pick pocket to pick the pockets of others, or to palm objects without being noticed. When a character makes a pick pocket attempt, the victim makes an opposed Search or Perception roll to notice it.
* +5 or more to target's roll: Light crowd, with few distractions.
* +10 or more to target's roll: Very small crowd or target has very good reason to notice pick-pocket.
* +10 or more to character's roll: Huge, congested crowd. Target constantly being jostled by street traffic. Major distraction, such as a heated blaster battle, being at a loud concert, or an accident occurs immediately in front of the target.
* +5 or more to character's roll: Crowded conditions, such as those aboard a public transport or in a packed starport. Darkness. Minor distraction, such as street performers or a nearby speeder accident. The difference between the two rolls determines the pickpocket's success. Use the following guidelines:
* 21+ Target won't notice missing item until thief is well out of sight.
* 16-20 Target notices missing item after a minute or so; pick-pocket has several rounds to dive into the crowd.
* 11-15 Target notices missing item after three rounds.
* 6-10 Target notices that item is missing on next round.
* 0-5 The object is snagged on material or somehow still held by the target.
* 1-5 Target feels pick-pocket's hand rummaging through his pocket. Target can react next round.
* 6 or more Pick-pocket gets hand caught in target's pocket; target notices immediately.
- Pick Pockets are thieves like the con artists described above, but there aren't nearly as many. Most players consider this skill inferior to Con Artist (Because Con Artists can rob $500.000 and avoid taxes). The command and mission is the same, though Pick Pockets pay normal taxes and their robberies go up to $100000, which is inferior to the Con Artist limit. As opposed to Con Artists, the failure rate of /rob for them is low. This makes them more useful in some scenarios where players still rely on the Con Artist skill (e.g. robbing players at bank exit). When they rob, players do not receive a textdraw stating that they have been robbed. However, it shows much smaller in the chat screen.
- CO / IN / DE
- This skill allows characters to steal people's personal possessions, success being determined by a Pick Pocket test. This skill can be acquired more than once, in the same way as the Pick Lock skill, giving the character a +10% modifier to the test for each additional time the skill is obtained. Characters with Pick Pocket skill can attempt to quietly remove items from a sleeping Ogre or fellow adventurer without being noticed. Test against characters' Dex. A successful test indicates that they have picked the pocket unnoticed and have obtained 1+D3 items, at random, from the person's personal belongings - it is left to the GM to decide whether an item is a purse, a loose coin, a handkerchief, or whatever. A failed test indicates that the character has not managed to take anything. Failure by 20% or more indicates that the character has been noticed and failure by 40% or more indicates that the victim notices the pickpocket and catches him by surprise. Characters with Pick Pocket skill can earn money between adventures. Test against Dex once per day: a successful test indicates goods or cash to the value of D10+1 Gold Crowns have been obtained. A failed test indicates that the character has failed to obtain anything and has spent the whole day being chased and assaulted; failure by 40% or more indicates that the authorities have actually caught the character. Characters who spend long periods picking pockets suffer a cumulative penalty of 10%. Thus, the test is made at -10% on the second day, -20% on the third, and so on. A charcter without Pick Pocket skill may try to pick pockets, but suffers a penalty of -30% on all Pick Pocket tests.
- Typically the rogue will be able to pilfer a small item such as a potion, gem, junkbox, various junk items, and/or a small quantity of cash. A given mob may only be pickpocketted once - an error message is displayed on further attempts. In the past multiple attempts were possible, but only the initial (successful) attempt yielded any results. Junkboxes themselves may contain some healing potions, vendor trash, gems, and poisons (pre-Patch 3.0.2 ingredients for poisons would be found instead, this was removed when the "poisons" skill was removed,) and as of Patch 2.3.0, epics such as [Spinesever]. Rogues must be stealthed and within melee of their target to use this skill. If it is successful, a loot box will appear, allowing them to choose which items to take. If the skill is resisted, the monster immediately detects the rogue and aggros. Failure rates depend on relative levels, but the base failure rate seems to be around 5%. Many monsters have no pockets and thus cannot be pickpocketed. Typically humanoid types will have pockets and beasts won't, but there are numerous exceptions. If a rogue attempts to pickpocket a monster who doesn't have pockets, the monster does not aggro. Enemy players cannot be pickpocketed. However, as long as rogues are [stealthed], they can pickpocket a mob that is in combat. The items received from picking pockets are not subject to group looting rules, so you always get all the items and 100% of the money. The money and items picked up with this ability are extras, in addition to the monster's normal loot when it is killed, so a rogue picking pockets is not depriving his companions of loot. Monsters have only a few items in their pockets when they spawn; if one rogue goes through an area, picking all the monsters' pockets but killing none of the monsters, then the next rogue through the area may find that all the monsters' pockets are empty. Monster pocket loot is refilled eventually, even if they are never killed. The loot respawn rate seems similar to that of the monsters themselves.
- Apprentice: Thieves (but only after discovering the Thieves Underground) or Vollinger Expert: Poone, Tarant Master: Sammie White, Tarant (Kensington Park)