Lhazar is a region located to the east of Slaver's Bay and south of the Dothraki Sea. It is located west and north-west of the Red Waste. It is populated by the Lhazareen, a notably unwarlike people known as the "lamb men" to the Dothraki.
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- Lhazar
- Lhazar
- Lhazar
| - Lhazar is a region located to the east of Slaver's Bay and south of the Dothraki Sea. It is located west and north-west of the Red Waste. It is populated by the Lhazareen, a notably unwarlike people known as the "lamb men" to the Dothraki.
- Lhazar – naród zamieszkujący ziemie na wschód od dawnej Zatoki Niewolniczej (obecnie Zatoki Smoków) i na południe od Morza Dothraków. Znajduje się na zachód i północny-zachód od czerwonego pustkowia. Naród ten tworzą Lhazareńczycy, składający się z osób spokojnych i nieprzystosowanych do wojny, zwanych przez Dothraków „owczarzami”.
- thumb|300px Lhazar ist ein größeres Gebiet südlich des Dothrakisches Meeres. Die Region aus Weiden und Hügeln wird von den Lhazareen bewohnt, ein Volk von Schafhirten, und in den südlichen Teilen von Ghiscari. Es gibt drei Städte in Lhazar: Hesh, Lhazosh und Kosrak. Der Skahazadhan fließt durch den nördlichen Teil von Lhazar.
- In Essos, Slaver's Bay is shielded from the Dothraki Sea by a series of coastal mountains to their northeast. As the southeastern Dothraki Sea reaches near the mountains, it gives way to the hill country of Lhazar, which is unsuitable for horse-herds but quite suitable for sheep pastures. The inhabitants of Lhazar, known as the Lhazareen, are peaceful shepherds and farmers. They worship a deity known as the Great Shepherd.
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| - Semi-arid hills and plateaus
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| - Częściowo wyjałowione wzgórza i płaskowyże
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| - thumb|300px Lhazar ist ein größeres Gebiet südlich des Dothrakisches Meeres. Die Region aus Weiden und Hügeln wird von den Lhazareen bewohnt, ein Volk von Schafhirten, und in den südlichen Teilen von Ghiscari. Es gibt drei Städte in Lhazar: Hesh, Lhazosh und Kosrak. Der Skahazadhan fließt durch den nördlichen Teil von Lhazar. Im Norden grenzt Lhazar an das Dothrakische Meer und im Westen an die Sklavenbucht. Drogo sagt, das Dothrakische Meer sei nicht für Lämmer gemacht, daher sollen sie sich nur südlich der Flussbiegung des Skahazadhan ansiedeln. Es ist durch den Khyzai Pass über die Sandsteinberge mit Meereen verbunden.
- Lhazar is a region located to the east of Slaver's Bay and south of the Dothraki Sea. It is located west and north-west of the Red Waste. It is populated by the Lhazareen, a notably unwarlike people known as the "lamb men" to the Dothraki.
- Lhazar – naród zamieszkujący ziemie na wschód od dawnej Zatoki Niewolniczej (obecnie Zatoki Smoków) i na południe od Morza Dothraków. Znajduje się na zachód i północny-zachód od czerwonego pustkowia. Naród ten tworzą Lhazareńczycy, składający się z osób spokojnych i nieprzystosowanych do wojny, zwanych przez Dothraków „owczarzami”.
- In Essos, Slaver's Bay is shielded from the Dothraki Sea by a series of coastal mountains to their northeast. As the southeastern Dothraki Sea reaches near the mountains, it gives way to the hill country of Lhazar, which is unsuitable for horse-herds but quite suitable for sheep pastures. This hill country is linked to Slaver’s Bay by the Khyzai Pass through the coastal mountains, formed by the Skahazadhan River. The upper Skahazadhan, on the interior side of the mountains facing the Dothraki Sea, provides Lhazar with enough water to carry out basic agriculture, despite bordering the agriculturally inactive Dothraki Sea to the north and deserts of the Red Waste to the east. On the opposite western side of the coastal mountains, the slaver-city Meereen is located at the mouth of the Skahazadan as it empties into the sea. The inhabitants of Lhazar, known as the Lhazareen, are peaceful shepherds and farmers. They worship a deity known as the Great Shepherd. Due to their non-martial culture they are a favored target of Dothraki raids when the mounted hordes are looking to acquire new slaves. The Lhazareen can put up little significant resistance against the Dothraki, who derisively call them the "Lamb Men". Lhazar may not have much in the way of wealth for direct plunder, but the Lhazareen themselves are regarded as excellent, docile slaves. The Dothraki will either keep them as direct slaves, or trade captured Lhazareen to the nearby slaver-cities in Slaver's Bay to the southwest in return for finished goods.
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