| - Ultrimix was one of those Decepticons who came on Earth after the Great Battle. He was on stasis on that ship, but later woke up. He fought Newday (in her new body), Flashbee, and Blitzkrieg. He had woke up the Decepticon Princess, but after a few hours of being up and causing havoc, she died to Jazz's hands after he was sick of her trying to assassinate his character as the leader of the Autobots, and also betray but somehow hold positions on both sides. The two (Blackarachida and Gigglepaige) were restored. They asked Jazzimus if he forgave them, and he said yes.
| - Ultrimix was one of those Decepticons who came on Earth after the Great Battle. He was on stasis on that ship, but later woke up. He fought Newday (in her new body), Flashbee, and Blitzkrieg. He had woke up the Decepticon Princess, but after a few hours of being up and causing havoc, she died to Jazz's hands after he was sick of her trying to assassinate his character as the leader of the Autobots, and also betray but somehow hold positions on both sides. Ultrimix and the other Decepticons (Staticshock, Dark Controller, Alvostria, and Sunscythe) found Darkmounter's corpse, and Ultrimix held it in his hands. Ultrimix said that the Autobots outnumbered their Decepticons, and that the Decepticons under a figure named 'Unknown' must've died. (he was wrong about the last part, they ran like cowards after the Final Battle) Ultrimix was sad, and questioned the future of the Decepticon cause. Prowler attacked the five, but had retreated before he could die, or kill one of them off, but Prowler found and fought the mind-controlled Allystar and Sidepr0m, and netted them, calling Victoria. Victoria took the three back to base, and had the Medidrones restore them to their normal selves. Jazzimus had gave the dead body of Miysara back to the Decepticons, and flew to find more decepticons, but failed since most of them were in the ship, or not on Earth anymore. Jazzimus pondered over releasing one of his old loves, Blackarachida, and also making her an Autobot again, or keeping her in her Stasis Cell. He then thought of Gigglepaige, one of his old Autobots that had turned insane and betrayed him. He took their cells out, carried them to the medibay, and opened them (with Medidrones, and the other drones to his side), carefully, and stunning them, having the medidrones work on them to join the Autobot cause again. Jazzimus thought of Unknown and Splurge, thinking of the many Decepticons they have captured, and had broken out. Jazzimus smiled, not wanting to have any captured Decepticons anymore because it'd be another burden, so he was happy he had two still captured. Prowler told Jazzimus that Spring was a bounty, and that he gave her to an alien. Jazzimus said to him that they might not have that many Decepticons to deal with, and that he doubts that the Surviving Decepticons would come back to Earth. The two (Blackarachida and Gigglepaige) were restored. They asked Jazzimus if he forgave them, and he said yes. Gigglepaige told Jazz that she now wants revenge on Unknown, due to her making 'Giggle insane. The two used a small ship that was there in the New Light, and flew away. Jazzimus (using Gunbarrel as a weapon instead of his new cannon, or his other weapons) and Flashbee fought Ultrimix, Staticshock, and Dark Controller, but Flashbee had gotten injured, and Jazzimus had to retreat and bring him back to base.