| - This melon is quite heavy due to its high water content. Echtooh Melon 1 in stock Cost: 2,500 NP A tough furry fruit that is mainly used to clean the chalk off blackboards. Furanga Fruit 1 in stock Cost: 281 NP This tangy jam is also seedless for your safety. Skeem Jam 3 in stock Cost: 718 NP This tangy, tough skinned fruit goes very well with vanilla ice cream. Strypedillo 1 in stock Cost: 1,248 NP So named because of its rather ugly look and unpleasant taste. Icky Fruit 4 in stock Cost: 271 NP This fruit is very similar to the banana, but it is green in colour and has a slightly bitter taste. Grenanna 1 in stock Cost: 1,211 NP This fruit looks like parchment and can be used as parchment, but dont worry, it doesnt taste like parchment. Parchment Fruit 1 in stock Cost: 2,500 NP This fresh fruit salad is full of delicious seed-free Skeem slices. Fresh Skeem Fruit Salad 1 in stock Cost: 2,318 NP Sort of like a lemon only much more sour. Screlon 1 in stock Cost: 835 NP 好吃的甜美果實,在秋天涼爽的天氣食用更加美味。不過要小心種子,它們可是很硬的。 史齊果 存貨: 1 售價: 2,500 NP 這瓜相當沉重,因為裡頭水分很多。 艾杜瓜 存貨: 1 售價: 2,500 NP 這對於喜歡史齊果,但又不喜歡種子的人來說,是最好不過的了。 無子史齊果 存貨: 1 售價: 2,500 NP 堅固、毛茸茸的水果,主要用來清除黑板上的粉筆。 毛刺刺果 存貨: 1 售價: 281 NP 香氣濃郁的果醬不含種子以確保你的安全。 史齊果醬 存貨: 3 售價: 718 NP 果皮堅硬,氣味濃烈,正好配搭香草冰淇淋。 斑紋瓜 存貨: 1 售價: 1,248 NP 因為外表醜陋味道令人不敢恭維而臭名遠揚。 咦咦果 存貨: 4 售價: 271 NP 這個水果和香蕉十分相似,不過它的顏色是綠色,並且帶有一點苦味。 綠蕉 存貨: 1 售價: 1,211 NP 這個水果看起來像是羊皮,也可以當成羊皮紙,不過不要擔心,它的味道並不像是羊皮紙。 羊皮果 存貨: 1 售價: 2,500 NP 這新鮮的水果沙拉裡都是無子的美味史齊果切片。 新鮮史齊果水果沙拉 存貨: 1 售價: 2,318 NP 味道像是檸檬,不過更酸。 酸籠果 存貨: 1 售價: 835 NP