| - Seamus ist ein Mann aus dem Team, das für Charles Widmore arbeitet. („“) Widmores Team
- Seamus is a major character in Professor Layton and the Last Specter. He was Arianna Barde's remaining servant and guardian.
- It was the dog where how much the carrier of music in 1949 of album stops the Seamus de.solo of this debut that he dies in 2003 and he reaches. Recently its oven is work of gotten only criticism favorable for that one, but it was most considerable because of the thing that is ö unnofficial member of Floyd of the rose one.
- A member of Charles Widmore's strike team
- Seamus na Feidh is a character in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.
- Seamus était un personnage holographique du programme Paris 042 Fair Haven.
- Seamus was one of the key leaders of the Kitchen Irish who was brutally murdered by an enraged Finn Cooley during the funeral service for the victims of the Massacre at the Burren Club.
- Seamus était l'un des hommes qui travaillait pour Charles Widmore lors de son retour sur l'île en novembre 2007. Il a été tué lors d'une attaque du Monstre sur l'île de l'Hydre. (L'Éclaireur ; Rassembler pour mieux tuer)
- Seamus was a son of Sean and Sorka Connel. Unlike his brothers, he apparently did not Impress a dragon, or if he did, his name was not altered. (To be fair, Seamus would be a hard name to contract). He may have been a miner.
- Seamus was a dog whose musical career spanned from his debut solo album in 1961 to his death in 2003. He was most notable for being the unnofficial 6th member of Pink Floyd, although in recent years he has also gained notoriety for his solo works.
- Seamus ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms und der Gärtner der Familie Barde. Er lebt auf der Villa Barde in Misthallery. In Wirklichkeit ist es Tony Barde in Verkleidung.
- Seamus was a scientist who worked for Charles Widmore in 2007. He was brought to the Island as part of support team. He was killed by the Man in Black, while guarding the caged Candidates.
- Seamus was present when Widmore's team assaulted the Man in Black's camp. As they leaned over a comatose Jin, Seamus asked, "Is this the guy?" to which Zoe affirmed. After the Man in Black discovered that his camp had been ambushed he went to Hydra Island to speak to Charles Widmore. As he approached the makeshift pylons several warning shots were fired at him by Seamus, along with a handful of others. Seamus stood careful guard as the Man in Black declared war on Charles Widmore. Later that night, Seamus and Zoe went to the submarine to bring Charles 'the package,' which turned out to be Desmond. ("Il pacco")
- <default>Seamus</default> Sex Other statuses Status Alias(es) Hair Occupation Location Relatives First appearance First mentioned Name seen Voiced by Seamus Levine is a character from Family Guy. He appeared in the episode The Simpsons Guy.
- Seamus is the main villain in "The Luck of the Irish" He loves treating with others.
- Seamus is a Viking who Gobber the Belch greets in "We Are Family, Part 1". He is holding a tankard, and is bald with no facial hair except bushy eyebrows.
- Seamus was a man who worked for Charles Widmore. Alongside Zoe, he was part of the team that accompanied Widmore to the Island. When Zoe failed at gaining Sawyer's trust and was held at gunpoint, she whistled and Seamus, alongside two of his compatriots, emerged from the tall grass and ambushed Sawyer. (6x08)
- Seamus es un hombre que trabaja para Charles Widmore. Junto a Zoe, que es parte del equipo que acompañó a Widmore a la isla. Cuando Zoe falló en ganarse la confianza de Sawyer, le silbó a Seamus, y junto a dos de sus compatriotas, salió de la hierba alta y emboscaron a Sawyer. ("[[|]]") Junto con Zoe hizo que el generador de la Estación Hidra funcionase después de 20 años, luego le explico a Jin sobre que consitía su prueba. ("[[|]]")
- Seamus (pronounced "SHAY-mus") was a character in Tom Paris's holoprogram called Fair Haven. He frequently had troubles with his wife and often asked members of the USS Voyager crew for a bit of money for a drink at Michael Sullivan's pub. He led a group of armed villagers who took the crew captive. Seamus attempted to banish them to the other world by reading incantations from an ancient book. When this did not work, he was in favor of burning them as witches. He and the town people were persuaded to let them go by Michael Sullivan. (VOY: "Fair Haven", "Spirit Folk")
- Song Name: Seamus Artist: Pink Floyd Album: Meddle, Shine On Run Time: 2:16 Year: 1971 Track Number: 5 Sung By: David Gilmour, Seamus Written By: Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Richard Wright, Nick Mason Info:
* Also the name of a dog, owned by close associate of the band Steve Marriott.
* The song was written by Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright one day in 1971 when they found that Seamus could bark in tune with music. They quickly recorded a twelve-bar blues backing track for the dog to 'sing' over, and David Gilmour later overdubbed extra instrumentation as well as lead vocals. Pink Floyd added this novelty song to round out the first side of their new LP, and hastily composed a few lines of lyrics to enhance its brief appearance on the album. Also, some st
- thumb|Seamus Seamus ist eine holografische Figur aus dem Programm Paris 042 und ein guter Freund von Tom Paris. Er nennt ihn immer Tommyboy und bittet ihn um einige Shillinge, weil er wohl Streit mit seiner Frau hatte. Seamus wurde von Richard Riehle gespielt und von Eberhard Mellies synchronisiert.