Along with the release of the 3-episode OVA, Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation, Banpresto also produced a three-volume series of audio drama CDs entitled Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Sound Cinema. Besides short omake segments, the Sound Cinemas introduced a new sub-plot to the anime. Featured within this side-story were mecha, such as the Astelion AX and the Mironga, which are included in Super Robot Wars Original Generations.
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| - Along with the release of the 3-episode OVA, Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation, Banpresto also produced a three-volume series of audio drama CDs entitled Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Sound Cinema. Besides short omake segments, the Sound Cinemas introduced a new sub-plot to the anime. Featured within this side-story were mecha, such as the Astelion AX and the Mironga, which are included in Super Robot Wars Original Generations.
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| - Along with the release of the 3-episode OVA, Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation, Banpresto also produced a three-volume series of audio drama CDs entitled Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Sound Cinema. Besides short omake segments, the Sound Cinemas introduced a new sub-plot to the anime. Featured within this side-story were mecha, such as the Astelion AX and the Mironga, which are included in Super Robot Wars Original Generations. After the release of the Sound Cinema, its new material was combined with that of the OVA into a whole new storyline, with slight changes, such as the retconning of the ATX Team mission to Dalian. This was retold in the form of a serialized manga, courtesy of Seta Noriyasu.