| - Caber: (reads) Ice Path to Blackthorn City. (sighs) Great. I'd hope to avoid this place, but it's the quickest way to get home... Where the 8th Badge awaits. Sugar: Wow. Polly: Ice Path? Does that mean I'll have to wear my coat, and those boots? Sugar: Sorry, Polly, but most likely yes. Polly: Guys, I just realized something. What'll we do with Big Faye? She's too big to fit through the tunnel. Big Faye: Well, I think I may be able to get to Blackthorn City if I can get through the top of the tunnel. Amy: Well, please be careful and don't cause a cave-in. Big Faye: Okay... Sugar: Man, it's freezing!
| - Caber: (reads) Ice Path to Blackthorn City. (sighs) Great. I'd hope to avoid this place, but it's the quickest way to get home... Where the 8th Badge awaits. Sugar: Wow. Polly: Ice Path? Does that mean I'll have to wear my coat, and those boots? Sugar: Sorry, Polly, but most likely yes. Polly: Guys, I just realized something. What'll we do with Big Faye? She's too big to fit through the tunnel. Big Faye: Well, I think I may be able to get to Blackthorn City if I can get through the top of the tunnel. Amy: Well, please be careful and don't cause a cave-in. Big Faye: Okay... (As soon as Caber, Sugar, Joel, Polly, and Amy got their winter clothes on, they walked onto Ice Path. One thing was certain - it was very cold. And they were glad to be wearing warm clothes.) Sugar: Man, it's freezing! Caber: (shudders) If my information is accurate, there should be a Pokémon Center in the middle of the tunnel. We can rest up once we get there. Sugar: Yay!! Polly: I hope so. I don't wanna be in this coat and these boots anymore than I need to. Abomasnow: (roars) ABOMASNOW!!! Polly: Sugar! Give her back, ya big bully! Polly: Sugar! SUGAR! Caber: Joel, Amy, you take Polly and get inside the Pokémon Center. I'm going to go and find Sugar. Amy: What?! But it'll be dark soon. Caber: I don't care! I have to do this. (brings out a Poké Ball) Come out, Charizard. Caber: Charizard, Sugar's been kidnapped by an Abomasnow. I'll need your help to find her. Polly: (sniffling) Please find Sugar. Joel: C'mon, girls. Let's get inside. Amy: Okay. Polly: (sniffles) Oh, I hope they'll be okay. Amy: Me too. Sugar: Where am I? (see her boots were frozen solid to the ceiling) Polly? Joel? (panicking) Caber?! Sugar: (whispers) I'm free! (floats in the air for a minute before looking down) Uh-oh. (she fell to the ground.) Ow! (covers her mouth) Sugar: (whispers) Phew! That was close. (stands up; thinks) Brr! The ground's cold under my stocking feet. Well, I need to get outta here. Sugar: (shivering) M-Maybe leaving my boots behind w-w-wasn't such a g-g-good idea.... After all. Caber: We can't give up now, buddy. We've got to find her. Polly: Oh, I hope they've found her. Togepi: Toge-prrri. Sugar: (shivering) C-C-C-C-C-Caber? P-P-P-P-Please c-c-c-come and f-f-f-f-f-find me. Sugar: (shivering) Ch-Charizard! (It was Charizard. And with him was...) Caber: Sugar! (gets off Charizard) Sugar! Caber: (concerned) Sugar, are you okay? Sugar: (shivering) I'm t-tired.... I'm h-hungry... My nose, and my legs, and my feet are freezing... Caber: Don't try to talk. And try to keep your eyes open until we get to the Pokémon Center. Polly: (to Sugar) You feeling any better? Caber: This should help warm you up faster. You're lucky I came along inspite of my dislike for the cold. Caber: I suppose you guys have a right to know why I hate the cold so much. Caber: I caught a dreadful cold from the experience. I'd never felt so cold until that day. And I've despised the winter, the cold, and ice ever since. Sugar: (thinks to herself) So that's why Caber hates the cold. Caber: Sugar... I'm sorry I blew up at you that day at the Mahogany Gym. Sugar: It's okay, Caber. I'm sorry, too. We both have our likes and dislikes. I should've remembered that. (smiles abashedly) D'ya forgive me? Voice: What took you so long? Sugar: Well, Big Faye... There was a bit of an incident with an Abomasnow. Big Faye: Oh my. Well I'm just glad you're all okay.