Skunk Fu is an Irish animated television series featuring the fables of anthropomorphic animals protecting their valley using martial arts. The show chronicles the adventures of young Skunk, training with his Kung Fu master, Panda, with support of Rabbit, Fox, Turtle and others, who directly, or inadvertently, also help Skunk grow. Skunk Fu was shown on CBBC in the UK.
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| - Skunk Fu is an Irish animated television series featuring the fables of anthropomorphic animals protecting their valley using martial arts. The show chronicles the adventures of young Skunk, training with his Kung Fu master, Panda, with support of Rabbit, Fox, Turtle and others, who directly, or inadvertently, also help Skunk grow. Skunk Fu was shown on CBBC in the UK.
- Skunk Fu! is an upcoming 2015 Video Game based on a television show same name. The Game is being developed by Twisted Pixel Studios
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| - Skunk Fu is an Irish animated television series featuring the fables of anthropomorphic animals protecting their valley using martial arts. The show chronicles the adventures of young Skunk, training with his Kung Fu master, Panda, with support of Rabbit, Fox, Turtle and others, who directly, or inadvertently, also help Skunk grow. Skunk Fu was shown on CBBC in the UK.
- Skunk Fu! is an upcoming 2015 Video Game based on a television show same name. The Game is being developed by Twisted Pixel Studios