| - ... at least for those we can prove. There are non-human writers, by the way. These include a few computers, and most likely a few higher primates (writing very simple works, granted, and probably dictating). People prefer characters they can relate to. This is why most fictional characters are H. sapiens instead of, say, T. rex or A. oryzae. Besides the large number of stories concerning humans on Earth, this manifests in three major ways: Can cause a certain amount of confusion if Humans Are Bastards or Humans Are Morons. Examples of Most Writers Are Human include:
| - ... at least for those we can prove. There are non-human writers, by the way. These include a few computers, and most likely a few higher primates (writing very simple works, granted, and probably dictating). People prefer characters they can relate to. This is why most fictional characters are H. sapiens instead of, say, T. rex or A. oryzae. Besides the large number of stories concerning humans on Earth, this manifests in three major ways:
* For one species that evolved on one planet, humanity sure gets around in the fictional multi-Verse. Countless Speculative Fiction settings without Earth include humans, usually just like the ones we're used to.
* Non-human characters, particularly in a story without humans, tend to act just like humans; while degrees of anthropomorphism vary, human-like intelligence, behavior, and psychological quirks and a fully developed verbal language are almost guaranteed.
* When compared to non-human characters, humans are almost always The Mario. The Five Races or sapient aliens, taken as a whole, will be different from humans in ways that balance each other out. This is odd, since it would be more likely that humans deviate from the average in some way or another. The inevitability of this varies by medium; after all, most actors are human, too. There are, however, more non-human actors than non-human writers, at least to anyone's knowledge. See also Earth Is the Center of the Universe, Human Aliens, Humanoid Animals, Aliens Speaking English, Humans Are Special and Humans Are Average. This can wind up being What Measure Is a Non-Human? writ large. Compare Anthropomorphic Shift, where an entirely non-human cast gradually slips into this trap. As such, this is one of the major sources of Furry Confusion. Sometimes characters are clearly not human but use phrases like "I'm only human" anyway. Can cause a certain amount of confusion if Humans Are Bastards or Humans Are Morons. For much more on this subject, see this series of Limyaael's Fantasy Rants. See Xenofiction to compare and contrast. Examples of Most Writers Are Human include: