| - Jubilee was a mutant, but lost her mutant powers due to the effects of M-Day. Her former mutant powers included:
thumb|150px|right|Jubilee using her fireworks
*Energy Plasmoids/Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasting: Jubilee possessed the mutant ability to generate what she calls her "fireworks", or "Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasts": energy globules that varied in degrees of power and intensity. The globules obeyed her mental control, travelling where she directed them, arranging themselves in balls, streamers, and other shapes, and exploding when she wished. These combinations could result in anything from a multitude of colorful sparkles capable of temporarily blinding a person to a fairly powerful detonation, capable of smashing tree trunks or metal objects. Jubilee could absorb the fireworks back into her own body without harm. According to Emma Frost, she had the potential to detonate matter at a sub-atomic level.
*Psionic Shields: Jubilee's mind possessed a natural defense against telepathic detection or attack. These psionic shields rendered her mind "slippery" and invisible to telepathic beings unless they knew precisely what to mentally scan for.