Akatsuki (暁, Literally meaning: Dawn or Daybreak) was initially an organization created by Yahiko and his two comrades, Konan and Nagato, in an effort to fight against the tyranny and oppression that their home village, Amegakure, was facing during the Third Great Shinobi War, and the long-term goal of world peace.
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| - Akatsuki (ChidoriSpark27)
| - Akatsuki (暁, Literally meaning: Dawn or Daybreak) was initially an organization created by Yahiko and his two comrades, Konan and Nagato, in an effort to fight against the tyranny and oppression that their home village, Amegakure, was facing during the Third Great Shinobi War, and the long-term goal of world peace.
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| - Amegakure, Land of Demons, Uzushiogakure
| - Yahiko, Nagato, Obito Uchiha, Danzō Shimura
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| - Akatsuki (暁, Literally meaning: Dawn or Daybreak) was initially an organization created by Yahiko and his two comrades, Konan and Nagato, in an effort to fight against the tyranny and oppression that their home village, Amegakure, was facing during the Third Great Shinobi War, and the long-term goal of world peace. After Yahiko's death and with the influence of Obito Uchiha, Akatsuki became a criminal organization comprising S-rank missing-nin and was the most wanted group in all of the shinobi world. Their main goal was to collect all of the tailed beasts for their plan of world domination, specifically to unleash the Ten-Tails. As such, Akatsuki, despite initially having a minor role during Part I, became the primary antagonistic force in Part II. They are believed to be fully dissolved after the events of the Fourth Shinobi World War. Danzō would soon recreate the Akatsuki in his image. AkatsukiYahiko.png|The First Akatsuki Candy32.jpg|Previous Akatsuki Aka5.jpg|New Akatsuki