Menaphos can be found in worlds 24 and 118. He is often standing at the Mobilising Armies bank, at his player-owned Port, or at the Grand Exchange socialising and training skills.
Menaphos on kaupunki, joka sijaitsee Kharidianin autiomaassa kaukana etelässä. Sinne ei vielä pääse, koska kaupungin asukkaat pelkäävät ruttoa, joka on Sophanemissa.
Menaphos can be found in worlds 24 and 118. He is often standing at the Mobilising Armies bank, at his player-owned Port, or at the Grand Exchange socialising and training skills.
Menaphos is a city located far south in the Kharidian Desert. It is not yet accessible due to the inhabitants' fear of the plague in the neighbouring city of Sophanem.
thumb|300px|Deserto KharidianoMenaphos é uma cidade localizada ao extremo sul do Deserto Kharidiano. Ainda não pode ser acessada devido ao medo dos habitantes locais por causa da praga na cidade vizinha, Sophanem. Entretanto, foi anunciado no RuneFest 2016 que Menaphos será uma das Expansões de 2017.