| - The New Russian Empire, also called the Second Russian Empire, New Imperial Russia, Empire of Russia, or more simply Russian Empire and Imperial Russia, is an absolute monarchy consisting of nineteen oblasts and multiple colonies, as well as several semi-autonmous regions throughout Europe and Asia. There are a number of space colonies on the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. Multiple large space stations have also been built, and are in lower Earth orbit.
| - The New Russian Empire, also called the Second Russian Empire, New Imperial Russia, Empire of Russia, or more simply Russian Empire and Imperial Russia, is an absolute monarchy consisting of nineteen oblasts and multiple colonies, as well as several semi-autonmous regions throughout Europe and Asia. There are a number of space colonies on the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. Multiple large space stations have also been built, and are in lower Earth orbit. The Russian Empire is the world's fourth largest nation in terms of population, and largest in land mass. The Russian Armed Forces were reformed into the Imperial Russian military, and many developments were made by 2025. The Russian Empire surpassed the United States and Chinese militaries in numbers, technology, and overall effectiveness. In 2015, the United States collapsed, leaving Imperial Russia and it's Communist China ally as the dominant powers. lol, #BS The Empire was created in 2014 by Vladimir Putin, several months after polls began showing that the majority of Russians wished to return to the days of Imperial Russia. Afterwards, there was a great surge of national pride. In nearby countries of Russian influence, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and others, polls showed that many wanted to merge with Russia in order to become one incredibly powerful state. The politicians of those countries supported the idea, and signed the Treaty of Minsk.