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{| bgcolor="#D4F7FF" style="border:3px #B5F1FF solid; text-align: center; float:right; " width="20%" height="80%" ; | Name: [[]] Type: Agglutinative Alignment: Nominative–Accusative Head Direction: Number of genders: 1 Declensions: No Conjugations: Yes |}

  • Westron
  • Westron
  • Westron
  • Westron
  • {| bgcolor="#D4F7FF" style="border:3px #B5F1FF solid; text-align: center; float:right; " width="20%" height="80%" ; | Name: [[]] Type: Agglutinative Alignment: Nominative–Accusative Head Direction: Number of genders: 1 Declensions: No Conjugations: Yes |}
  • Westron war die Muttersprache aller Menschen und Hobbits, die zur Zeit des Ringkrieges in den alten Gebieten von Gondor und Arnor lebten, sowie auch der Bewohner des Westufers des Anduin bis hinauf zu den Schwertelfeldern, mit Ausnahme der Wosen (Bezeichnung bei den Rohirrim für die Drúedain im Dritten Zeitalter), der Dunländer und der Rohirrim. Westron war zudem die gemeinsame Sprache bei allen zwischensprachlichen Begegnungen und somit in einem gewissen Grade auch jedem westlich des Rhûn bekannt. Für die Zwerge war Westron die öffentliche Sprache und die Grundlage für viele Orksprachen.
  • Westron, also known as the Common Speech, is the closest thing to the universal language of Middle-earth; at least during the War of the Ring. Westron is an English word, derived from the word West, not a word from the language itself. The Westron speech was derived from the Adûnaic tongue of Númenor, and originated as a Creole language on the western coastlands of the continent of Middle-earth, when the Númenorians established trade outposts and forts there. From there, it spread east, with the notable exception of Mordor.
  • right|thumb|200px|Escudo de Gondor O Westron também é chamado de Adûni, Sôval Phârë ("língua comum" en westron), Língua Comum e (em sindarin) de Annûnaid ou Falathern, "língua da terra". É o idioma no qual teria sido originalmente escrito (ficcionalmente) o "Livro Vermelho" do qual O Senhor dos Anéis seria uma tradução em linguagem moderna.
  • Westron, Annúnaid or Adûni was a late form of Adûnaic mixed with elements of indigenous languages, mostly from the edainic peoples of Eriador and Rhovanion but to some degree also with elements from the daen tongues.
  • Westron lub Wspólna Mowa (wes. Adûni lub Sôval Phârë, sin. Annúnaid lub Falathren [język wybrzeża]) – uniwersalny język Śródziemia. Źródłem Westronu był język ludzi Númenoru, Adûnaic. Początkowo używano go na wybrzeżach Śródziemia, gdzie osiedlili się Númenorejczycy. Stąd rozciągnął się na wschód. Używany przez hobbitów, ludzi i krasnoludów, a znany przez elfów i Rohirrimów. W tym języku można było się także porozumieć z wieloma dzikimi plemionami, lecz był on wtedy mocno okaleczony. Język ten używany w Gondorze był szlachetniejszy, natomiast hobbici mówili do wszystkich na "ty" wzbudzając tym wśród innych powszechne zdumienie. Odmianami Westronu były: język ludzi północy, rohirricki a także dialekt hobbicki.
  • In J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth, the Westron or Common Speech is the closest thing to a universal language, at least at the time during which The Lord of the Rings is set. Westron is an English word, derived from West, not a word from the language itself. Westron is a translation of the original name Adûni, and "Common Speech" translates the Westron term Sôval Phârë, of identical meaning. In Sindarin the language was called Annúnaid (Westron), or Falathren (Shore-language).
  • Nominative–Accusative
  • Partially
  • Westron
  • Agglutinative
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • 1(xsd:integer)
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • {| bgcolor="#D4F7FF" style="border:3px #B5F1FF solid; text-align: center; float:right; " width="20%" height="80%" ; | Name: [[]] Type: Agglutinative Alignment: Nominative–Accusative Head Direction: Number of genders: 1 Declensions: No Conjugations: Yes |}
  • In J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth, the Westron or Common Speech is the closest thing to a universal language, at least at the time during which The Lord of the Rings is set. Westron is an English word, derived from West, not a word from the language itself. The Westron speech is derived from the Adûnaic tongue of Númenor, and originated as a creole language on the western coastlands of the continent of Middle-earth, when the Númenorians established trade outposts and forts there. From there, it spread to most of the lands through which the action of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings passes, with the notable exception of Mordor. Westron is a translation of the original name Adûni, and "Common Speech" translates the Westron term Sôval Phârë, of identical meaning. In Sindarin the language was called Annúnaid (Westron), or Falathren (Shore-language). In The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Westron was presented as having been completely translated by English. This had certain important implications: first of all, proper names with derivations somewhat evident to speakers of Westron had been translated, to preserve the effect. Thus, names like Baggins, Bagshot Row, Peregrin, Rivendell etc., are presented as not the actual names. (For example, Meriadoc Brandybuck's actual name is supposed to have been Kalimac Brandagamba, short Kali (meaning jolly, gay). 'Meriadoc', short 'Merry', is designed to maintain the reference to merriness contained in the original name. Likewise Peregrin Took's actual name was Razanur Tuc, short Razar (name of a small apple). 'Peregrin', short 'Pippin' contained both the actual meaning of the full name (traveler, stranger) and the reference to an apple). Sam Gamgee was actually named Ban Galpsi, short for Banazir Galbassi. The ending of the 'true' Hobbit name Bilbo was also changed: in Westron it was Bilba, but Tolkien changed this to -o because -a is usually a female ending in English. Placenames and other features were also presented as having been translated from an original form: Rivendell (Sindarin Imladris, "cloven valley") was actually called Karningul, and Bag End was actually called Labin-nec, after Labingi, the real form of Baggins. In some cases the explanations became quite involved, such as the river Brandywine (Sindarin Baranduin, "golden-brown river") was actually called Branda-nîn, a punning Westron name meaning "border-water", which was later punned again as Bralda-hîm meaning "heady ale". The translation went one step further by also changing all languages akin to Westron. Rohirric, the language of the Rohirrim was translated by Anglo-Saxon, as Rohirric is an archaic relative of Westron (since the Edain from whose speech Westron is derived were related to the ancestors of the Rohirrim) much as Anglo-Saxon is an archaic relative of English. Similarly, the tongue of Dale, from which came the names of the Dwarves of Durin's house, was translated by Old Norse, a language related to Anglo-Saxon and modern English as Dalish was related to Rohirric and Westron. This utter translation of Westron by English was taken so far that some sources that should give actual Westron have been turned to English too. For instance, in Moria, an illustration of the runic text on Balin's gravestone is given. the text is said to mean "Balin Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria" in both Khuzdûl and Westron... but while the first partof the inscription seems to really be a bit of Khuzdûl (Moria is rendered as "Khazad Dûm"), the second part is actually plain English, just written in certar. Outside the context of the story, it is clear that most of the "original" forms in Westron or other languages were devised by Tolkien long after the English "translations" were chosen. Several of the Westron forms given above were not published in Tolkien's lifetime. Tolkien never worked out Westron to the same extent as Quenya and Sindarin or even Adûnaic.
  • right|thumb|200px|Escudo de Gondor O Westron também é chamado de Adûni, Sôval Phârë ("língua comum" en westron), Língua Comum e (em sindarin) de Annûnaid ou Falathern, "língua da terra". É o idioma no qual teria sido originalmente escrito (ficcionalmente) o "Livro Vermelho" do qual O Senhor dos Anéis seria uma tradução em linguagem moderna. O westron ou adûni teria sido a língua materna da maioria dos personagens e a segunda língua de todos os demais, incluindo os elfos, os orcs, os anões, os drúedain e os rohirrim. Os hobbits falavam um dialeto rústico do westron, com alguns empréstimos de sua língua original, já esquecida.
  • Westron war die Muttersprache aller Menschen und Hobbits, die zur Zeit des Ringkrieges in den alten Gebieten von Gondor und Arnor lebten, sowie auch der Bewohner des Westufers des Anduin bis hinauf zu den Schwertelfeldern, mit Ausnahme der Wosen (Bezeichnung bei den Rohirrim für die Drúedain im Dritten Zeitalter), der Dunländer und der Rohirrim. Westron war zudem die gemeinsame Sprache bei allen zwischensprachlichen Begegnungen und somit in einem gewissen Grade auch jedem westlich des Rhûn bekannt. Für die Zwerge war Westron die öffentliche Sprache und die Grundlage für viele Orksprachen. Von seinem Ursprung her war Westron eine Mischung von Andûnaïsch und den Sprachen der Küstengebiete Mittelerdes. Im dritten Jahrtausend des Zweiten Zeitalters entwickelte sie sich mit der Errichtung von númenorischen Siedlungen in Mittelerde. Währen der Herrschaft der Dúnedain und nach der Ankunft Elendils wurde die Sprache durch viele Worte aus dem Sindarin ergänzt. Dies war dann die Form, in der sich Westron in Mittelerde verbreitete. Eine ländliche Form des Westron war das Hobbitisch. Die Sprachen der Menschen von Rhovanion und der Rohirrim hatten viel mit Westron gemein, weil sie von den Sprachen der Edain und verwandter Völker abstammten. Beispiele des echten Westron gibt es im Herrn der Ringe nur sehr wenige. Die meisten Westron-Namen wurden in ihre deutsche Entsprechung umgewandelt. Westron wurde auch die Gemeinsprache oder Gemeinsame Sprache genannt. Im originalen Westron lauteten die Bezeichnungen Adûni bzw. Sôval Phâre.
  • Westron, also known as the Common Speech, is the closest thing to the universal language of Middle-earth; at least during the War of the Ring. Westron is an English word, derived from the word West, not a word from the language itself. The Westron speech was derived from the Adûnaic tongue of Númenor, and originated as a Creole language on the western coastlands of the continent of Middle-earth, when the Númenorians established trade outposts and forts there. From there, it spread east, with the notable exception of Mordor. Westron was a translation of the original name Adûni, and "Common Speech" translates the Westron term Sôval Phârë, of identical meaning. In Sindarin the language was called Annúnaid (Westron), or Falathren (Shore-language).
  • Westron lub Wspólna Mowa (wes. Adûni lub Sôval Phârë, sin. Annúnaid lub Falathren [język wybrzeża]) – uniwersalny język Śródziemia. Źródłem Westronu był język ludzi Númenoru, Adûnaic. Początkowo używano go na wybrzeżach Śródziemia, gdzie osiedlili się Númenorejczycy. Stąd rozciągnął się na wschód. Używany przez hobbitów, ludzi i krasnoludów, a znany przez elfów i Rohirrimów. W tym języku można było się także porozumieć z wieloma dzikimi plemionami, lecz był on wtedy mocno okaleczony. Język ten używany w Gondorze był szlachetniejszy, natomiast hobbici mówili do wszystkich na "ty" wzbudzając tym wśród innych powszechne zdumienie. Odmianami Westronu były: język ludzi północy, rohirricki a także dialekt hobbicki. Z powodu przetłumaczenia na angielski znanych jest niewiele oryginalnych słów z tego języka Np. Frodo Baggins brzmiało w Westronie Mauro Labingi. Zobacz: Słownik Westronu
  • Westron, Annúnaid or Adûni was a late form of Adûnaic mixed with elements of indigenous languages, mostly from the edainic peoples of Eriador and Rhovanion but to some degree also with elements from the daen tongues. The Westron was the official and most spread language in the ancient lands of Arnor and Gondor and it´s former provinces and had become the usual trade and colloquial language in the lands from Rhovanion to Rhûn and Haradwaith although tribal languages still remained prominent in the lands further removed from the Westlands. Therefore the Westron was also simply known as Sôval Phârë or the Common speech.
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