| - Boil is a character in the Barnyard franchise. He is Hanna's son, Etta's nephew, Ellie's brother, and Maddy's cousin.
- Boil is a Clone Trooper in LEGO Star Wars and part of the 212th legion, under the command of Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi.
- A boil was an infected hair follicle filled with pus. In 2268, when attempting to express the immense difficulty of performing surgery to reunite his brain with his body, Spock said that he would trust Doctor McCoy to remove a splinter or lance a boil but not to attempt such a surgical procedure. (TOS: "Spock's Brain" )
- [Source] Boil était un soldat clone du 212ème Bataillon d'attaque. Il était souvent vu avec son camarade Waxer de la Compagnie Fantôme. Il participa à la bataille de Ryloth où il fit connaissance de la jeune Numa ainsi qu'à celles de Géonosis et Kiros.
- A moist-heat cooking method in which ingredients are cooked in water or other liquid heated to approximately 212 degrees F. (the boiling point of water). At the boiling point large bubbles will steadily break the surface of the liquid. The high temperature of boiling can make foods tough and the turbulence of the liquid can cause fragile ingredients to fall apart, so dishes like stews are generally cooked at a simmer, and ingredients like fish and fruit are poached.
- Boil oli kloonisotilas, joka palveli kloonisotien aikana Galaktisen Tasavallan suurarmeijassa. Vuonna 22 BBY Boil palveli 212. hyökkäyspataljoonan kummituskomppaniassa, kun Tasavalta lähti vapauttamaan twi'lekien kotiplaneettaa, Rylothia Itsenäisten aurinkokuntien konfederaatiolta. Jedikenraali Obi-Wan Kenobin ja kloonikomentaja CC-2224:n johtaman kummituskomppania saapui Nabatin kaupunkiin. Boil lähetettiin sotilas Waxerin kanssa edeltäpäin tiedustelemaan. He löysivät hylätyn pikkutytön, Numan, jonka Waxer päätti ottaa mukaansa Boilin valituksista huolimatta. Gutkurr-eläimet hyökkäsivät sotilaiden kimppuun, mutta Boil ja Waxer pääsivät pakoon Nabatin tunneliverkostoa pitkin.
- Cuando el Presidente de la poderosa Unión Tecnológica Secesionista, Wat Tambor, tomó completo control de Ryloth y de sus habitantes twi'lek, la República montó una feroz ofensiva para liberar el sistema. El General Jedi Anakin Skywalker y su pádawan, la Comandante Jedi Ahsoka Tano, lograron destruir el bloqueo Separatista que rodeaba el planeta, permitiéndole a las fuerzas de invasión terrestre, aterrizar. Boil abordó las cañoneras LAAT/i, junto con el Alto General Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, el Comandante Clon Cody, y el resto de la Compañía Fantasma, preparados para aterrizar en la ciudad de Nabat. Obi-Wan y Cody le ordenaron a sus hombres que solo utilizaran fusiles blásters y bloqueadores de droides, de manera que hubiera una mínima posibilidad de destruir el patrimonio twi'lek, debido a que
- During the Separatist occupation of the planet Ryloth, Boil joined Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody in the battle to free the imprisoned Twi'leks. Members of the 212th Attack Battalion, Boil fought alongside his squadmate Waxer as both searched the outskirts of Nabal for enemy units. Along the search Waxer found a lost Twi'lek girl that Boil wanted no part of looking after because he was a soldier he said. But reluctantly he helped Numa find her family and she taught him the value of humanity in war.