| - In a graveyard, Bruce Wayne tells Alfred that Batman Incorporated, as well as Batman, is finished, just before the police show up to arrest him. It was a routine assignment - track a shipment of Lone Star Brand meat through the slaughterhouse district, and see who objects. Batman and Robin faced a gang of crooks in goat-masks, masquerading as slaughterhouse workers. In the middle of the fight, a sniper almost kills Robin, but instead hits the leader of the gang. Acting fast, Batman and Robin move away from the windows, explain events to the supervisor, and confiscate the one remaining cow deliver to this address for testing before going after the Lone Star Brand truck. They stop the truck and catch the drivers, but a man falls out of a building nearby, confusing them. Returning to the task
| - In a graveyard, Bruce Wayne tells Alfred that Batman Incorporated, as well as Batman, is finished, just before the police show up to arrest him. It was a routine assignment - track a shipment of Lone Star Brand meat through the slaughterhouse district, and see who objects. Batman and Robin faced a gang of crooks in goat-masks, masquerading as slaughterhouse workers. In the middle of the fight, a sniper almost kills Robin, but instead hits the leader of the gang. Acting fast, Batman and Robin move away from the windows, explain events to the supervisor, and confiscate the one remaining cow deliver to this address for testing before going after the Lone Star Brand truck. They stop the truck and catch the drivers, but a man falls out of a building nearby, confusing them. Returning to the task at hand, Robin beats up an entire gang of Mutants involved in the deliveries, while Batman tracks the sniper... It was a routine assignment: assassinate Robin, the Boy Wonder. Goatboy, a small-time assassin with a sniper rifle, knew Gotham better than almost anyone. Needing the money so he could take care of his ten-year-old son, he asked a friend of his to act as bait so he could take the shot. unfortunately, he wound up killing his friend. Retiring to a bar, he considered the ethics of his task before camping out the Mutant gang's activities. He was prepared to shoot Robin, when Batman walked up behind him... Elsewhere in Gotham, the Grimm Brothers Syndicate, who controlled all the nightclubs on Gotham's west side, were infected with Leviathan's mind control chemicals in their food. The leader was informed that he had just eaten his missing brother, before he was manhandled away by ninja Man-Bats and dropped from a great height. The survivors, in true Gotham style, toast the victor. In San Francisco, a group of heroes meet at a secret base under a shop for fetish wear. This is Batcave West, and they are the "Dead Heroes Club": a roster of Batman Inc operatives that Leviathan believes is dead. Under Wingman, they have a job to do. Back in Gotham, two men have been brought before Leviathan. Both claim to have killed Robin. One of them, Goatboy, explains that he shot Batman in the face, blinding him, before taking out Robin. He is under the influence of Leviathan's mind-control. As his proof, he offers a picture on his smartphone: a grief-stricken Batman cradling a Robin dribbling blood!