| - Uploading or "Submitting" work to Newgrounds is an essential part of what Newgrounds is and does. Although the site started with just Tom uploading his own work to the site, from the moment Tom decided to have other people's work on the site, it started to gain real popularity, with thousands of users feeling that they wanted to create work and display it to visitors around the world. The word "submitting" is used for uploading material because from the start there was a process of selection for Flash, where the uploading began, rather than everyone just uploading what they like. Originally, you could submit the flash to Tom Fulp and if he liked it, he uploaded it. If the file is over 10MB, you still have to pm Tom and submit it for his approval. Even now that material can all be uploaded
| - Uploading or "Submitting" work to Newgrounds is an essential part of what Newgrounds is and does. Although the site started with just Tom uploading his own work to the site, from the moment Tom decided to have other people's work on the site, it started to gain real popularity, with thousands of users feeling that they wanted to create work and display it to visitors around the world. The word "submitting" is used for uploading material because from the start there was a process of selection for Flash, where the uploading began, rather than everyone just uploading what they like. Originally, you could submit the flash to Tom Fulp and if he liked it, he uploaded it. If the file is over 10MB, you still have to pm Tom and submit it for his approval. Even now that material can all be uploaded to the site, then selected for keeping, the word submission is generally used for uploading Flash, Audio and Art. The three Portals work differently, with a different process of selection for each, although the actual uploading is similar.